Sunday, January 15, 2017

Pastor's Attic Quilt, the 24th Block

I'm showing the picture of the Pastor's Attic Quilt book. This is a Baltimore Album quilt book written by Marsha D. Radtke in 2009 and published by AQS. She found the original quilt in the attic of the parsonage in which they were living. I call it the Pastor's Attic Quilt (and she does too in the forward) because there are so many Baltimore Album's quilts and I want to differentiate my quilt from the crowd.

There are 25 blocks in this quilt of which 24 of the blocks are appliqued. There is one block which was first pieced, then appliqued to the background fabric. I've looked at that the block ever since I purchased the book so many years ago. I consider myself a very good foundation paper piecer. I mean, I pieced most of my Dear Jane that way and I'm paper piecing Nearly Insane. However, I could not make heads or tails of the directions. 

I decided to leave that block out and come up with another applique block, this is an applique quilt after all. I've been looking at different blocks for years, trying to decide which one to use. I finally decided to use an old stencil pattern. I traced off the design and appliqued her. I love it! There was no name for this pattern on the stencil but I'm sure there is one. Do you know what this design is?  {Updated Sunday evening - My friend Elaine says this pattern is Lancaster Rose. I think this flower may be showing up in another of my quilts someday}

I didn't think I would be able to applique her in a week, but I didn't feel like machine sewing for several days last week because of Nearly Insane burn-out! I had a marathon session of applique while watching season 2 of Poldark. I got her done!

Now, just one more block to be appliqued! But these completed blocks are for the center section of the quilt; there will be the applique border to applique after the center blocks are sewn together.

Linking to - Kathy's Slow Sunday Stitching, Quilting is More Fun than Housework, Em's ScrapbagLove Laugh Quilt, Fiber Tuesday, Esther's Wednesday WOW!, Sew Fresh Quilts, WIP's With FriendsMy Quilt Infatuation, Finished Or Not FridayCrazy Mom Quilts, Confessions of a Fabric Addict


  1. Oh this is very pretty and what a great idea! :)

  2. Nice block! I have not seen one like that before.

  3. What a wonderful block. I love the fabrics.

  4. Good choice of substitution for a block you did not want to do. I will get out my book and see what block puzzled you. I would probably do the same as you.

    1. It is block #20, Attic Star. I did look for other star patterns to paper piece but they were either too large or too small. I'm a lazy person and didn't want to change the settings on my printer. I really like this block, it fits in quite well. I think she looks prettier than the original block would have.

  5. One more block to go?!?
    This is a lovely addition to your block collection!
    Thanks for linking up to Slow Sunday Stitching!

  6. Good for you for substituting a block you like better! Good luck with that last one!
    Is the border applique as complex as the blocks?

    1. There would be a LOT of applique if I appliqued the border like the original. I don't like the way the applique is set on the borders so I will be modifying them to what I like. There will still be plenty of applique but perhaps half of what is on the original quilt. I'm not really thinking about the borders yet, I want to have the center sewn together before I start border applique.

  7. I always think it is a great idea to make each quilt your own. I really like your substitute block. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  8. I really like your block substitution.

  9. Great idea Gretchen - and much more personalised too :) It's a very sweet block and I think your choice of fabrics really emphasises that.

  10. Congrats Gretchen. I know that this quilt will be a beautiful heirloom. I like the block that you substituted for the PP. I am learning to do that also. Sometimes the blocks that are in patterns just do not fit, nor is it worth the time and effort to have a hair raising event trying to make it!

  11. Beautiful block! Great substitution! Way to make it your own!

  12. What beautiful flowers to make a perfect block! Love it!

  13. Love your Lancaster Rose block Gretchen, the colours you have used are stunning. That is a to die for pile of fabrics on the chair LOL Have fun with the rest of the blocks Hugs Glenda

  14. I really like your flowers, they look so great!
