Sunday, April 24, 2016

Flimsies & Applique

 April is speeding along. The first of the month was cold and snowy; now we're enjoying sunshine, warmer temperatures and green grass. 

The spring Jane Stickle quilt retreat has come and gone. It's always wonderful to see the many out of state friends and I've met new friends this spring too. There are so many beautiful projects; it's hard not to start new ones. People have joined in on-line BOM's. There are the 365 Day blocks, Pat Sloan's Splendid Sampler, the 1857 quilt from Sentimental Stitches, Circa 2016 from the Temecula Quilt Co. and many, many more. I checked these out after I arrived back home, but common sense prevailed and I haven't started any of them, not at the beginning of my busy season. I'll just keep on working at my 'old' projects.

So what did I work on at retreat? The first project was this Houses wall kit designed by Rachel's of Greenfield. The directions were very well written and the quilt sewed together easily. Now I need to get her hand-quilted and hanging on the wall. She finishes at 20" by 20".

People keep having babies so I keep making crib quilts. I pieced 2 dotted pinwheel crib quilts using the Pineapple Press pattern What Goes Around Comes Around. They both measure 40" by 46" and I plan to quilt them on my sewing machine, I just need to find the time. The pinwheels are not pieced, the dotted fabric is folded diagonally and then sewn to the yellow background square. The pinwheel is 3D and left open. Many people asked me if I was going to quilt them closed when I quilted the quilt and I said no, I like them the way they are. Maybe there is some obvious problem that they saw that I'm not seeing. Of course it will get caught on stuff if the child drags it around but I never allowed my children to drag around their quilts. 

I did hand applique too. I appliqued several Sweet Surrender blocks at the retreat and then finished the rest when I was home. 

I have completed all of the 18 applique blocks required for the original quilt which finishes at 69" by 65". 

I don't want a wall quilt so I will applique more blocks and make a full size quilt. I drafted a rough diagram of what my finished quilt will be and I need at least 12 more blocks (I think it is 12, I'm too lazy to go check). I'll get them prepped and work on them this spring. After the additional blocks are appliqued, I'll put the project away until winter.

I didn't accomplish as many sewing projects as I often do, but the weather was so lovely, who could stay inside and sew all the time?

After I came home I made a list of quilting projects to work on this spring/summer. Some of them are fairly simple such as sewing bindings. Some are more involved. Here are a few of what I'll be working on.

Until more Sweet Surrender blocks are prepped, I'm working on block 7 of the Pastor's Attic Quilt.

Working on two applique projects has worked well for me. I normally have only one hand project going at a time.

At last fall's retreat I had pieced the blocks for a Summer Lake Log Cabin quilt from Judy Martin's Log Cabin Quilt Book. The fabrics are from a kit I bought years ago at Lolly's Fabrics in Shipshewana. It is time to get this quilt top sewn together.

The very center (snail) blocks have been sewn together. The rest of the center section is ready to be pieced together. The blocks and border have also been pieced.

Progress is being made on hand quilting the Fussy-cut Star wall hanging. Since I've rolled the last time, I can see the last side border slowly making her way to the top.

As you can see, there will be plenty happening around here. I'll fit it in here and there in between my outside work. I enjoy being outside after a long, dreary, sunless winter.

Thanks for visiting my blog. I'm linking to: Kathy's Slow Sunday StitchingQuilting is More Fun than Housework
Love Laugh Quilt, Patchwork TimesQuilt StoryEsther's Wednesday WOW!, My Quilt InfatuationA Quilting Reader's GardenCrazy Mom QuiltsLet's Book It


  1. You certainly have a lot to keep you busy ; love the floral applique blocks :)

  2. SO many lovely projects on the go! My fave is the Sweet Surrender blocks and I look forward to seeing that quilt come together!

  3. Sweet Surrender is a quilt I will be doing one day, so nice to see yours!

    1. You will enjoy appliquing these blocks, they really go fast.

  4. I like Sweet Surrender blocks very much. Especially in the reproduction fabrics.

  5. Your "Sweet Surrender" blocks are gorgeous. Love the fabrics you chose for them too.

  6. You are making great progress on all your lovely quilts. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  7. Hi Gretchen, it looks like you got plenty done at retreat; two great top finishes and more beautiful Sweet Surrender blocks... I just googled the quilt and it is beautiful - and made in the larger size it will be really stunning :-). You have plenty to keep you busy and happy! Thanks for visiting my blog and your sweet comment, sorry Ive taken a while to reply.

  8. I absolutely adore the baby quilt and that gorgeous Log Cabin. You have so many beautiful projects in progress.

  9. Busy, busy! You have accomplished a lot and such lovely projects you are working on. I love the baby quilt. Very sweet.

  10. I enjoy seeing your progress, so many beautiful quilts in the making. I would love to make Sweet Surrender. Do any of the quilt shops in the US carry the pattern?

    1. There was no place in the US that carried this pattern in the summer of 2015 when our group was looking. We ordered them directly from Australia. I don't know if anyone is carrying them now.

  11. I agree about all the sew-alongs. I choose to sit on the sidelines and watch what's going on. All of your projects are appealing!

  12. Having attempted and failed a sew alongs, I'm like Nann. I enjoy everyone's projects but don't try to do them. Heck, I couldn't even do my own sew along. Three or four months in and I haven't been back to work on it at all. Sigh. Your doing a great job on all of your projects.

  13. Smart lady Gretchen, I just looked at the Sampler and quickly got out of that site. I love the Temecula quilt and am saving the patterns. Of course, I am getting a calling to put the applique down and only do it in the evening and start putting some quilts together that are yelling at me. And the list and the beat goes on. We should be through with the remodeling soon. Clay is really tired. Today new furniture comes so I have to go and put the Master Bathroom back together - oh Joy! Your are progressing very well. Maybe I should just do mini-quilts.....not really!

  14. Oh my goodness! You have been productive AND so many LOVELY projects too!!

  15. So many pretties!!! I know what you mean about all the great BOM projects out there,I joined the Splendid Sampler and the one by Buttermilk Basin....and I am all ready behind!!!

  16. I really enjoyed looking at all your sewing. You are imspirig.
    Kathleen Mary

  17. Ich liebe deine Applikations Blöcke! Wo kann man die Anleitung dafür finden?
    Liebe Grüße

    1. Vielen Dank für Ihren Kommentar Steffi. Mein Sohn ist für mich zu übersetzen, da Blogger nicht. Das Sweet Surrender Muster wurde von "Material Obsession in Australien" bestellt (siehe unten). Sie genießen diese Blöcke appliquing. Gretchen

      Thank you for your comment Steffi. (My son is translating for me since blogger didn't) The Sweet Surrender pattern was ordered from Material Obsession (see below) in Australia. You will enjoy appliquing these blocks. Gretchen

  18. Wow! You are busy, but it is awesome that you are focusing on finishing up some UFO's instead of new projects. You have great self control! I love the Summer Lake Log Cabin quilt, the colors and the layout is awesome. I can't wait to see if finished.

  19. All lovely projects. Love me a good log cabin quilt. Thanks you for linking up with Book It (your profile is a no-reply so you may want to check that).

  20. You've got lots of beautiful projects in the works.
