Sunday, May 1, 2016

Quilty Finishes

The weather this week hadn't cooperated for working outside, so I spent most of my time working on quilting projects.

Block 7 of the Pastor's Attic quilt is completed. French knots are in the center of the flowers.

The Dotted Pinwheel quilts are complete finished. Both were quilted on my domestic machine. I don't usually make a pattern more than once and I've actually used the same fabrics in both quilts. I just thought they were so cute! It looks like there are 3 blocks with the same fabric close together. That is actually a green block in the center. 

They are both quilted the same, except the left quilt has diagonal quilting in the border. The right one has straight line quilting. I like the diagonal better.

There wasn't enough of the yellow Kona fabric to use for backing, so I pulled out my precious yellow brown cow fabric. The cows look more like Jerseys than Guernseys but at least they are brown. (It is not easy to find fabric with brown cows.)

I decided it was time to learn to use the monogram program on my machine and used the program to sew the quilt labels. I used yellow thread on the first label to follow through with the yellow theme. Unfortunately you can barely read it, lesson learned; don't use yellow thread on quilt labels. The second label I used turquoise thread, easy to read.

I also sewed the flange binding for the Cherry Blossom quilt. I like to have the bindings ready to go, so when quilts are quilted they can be finished quickly. 

There won't be any Slow Sunday Stitching this afternoon. After church, some friends and I are headed to Archbold, Ohio to view the Sauder Quilt show. I'll have photos to show you next week or month, whenever the next post happens. Happy quilting!

Kathy's Slow Sunday StitchingQuilting is More Fun than HouseworkLove Laugh Quilt, Em's ScrapbagQuilt StoryEsther's Wednesday WOW!My Quilt InfatuationA Quilting Reader's GardenCrazy Mom Quilts


  1. I was looking at the patterns just yesterday for the Pastor's Attic. Good to see you have completed another one of the blocks.

  2. I really like the color youused inthe pastors attic. Hope you had a good time at the quilt show.
    Kathleen Mary

  3. I like to have binding stitching ready for whenever I have time but not much brain power available. It's the perfect easy and relaxing antidote to stress!

  4. I love your Dotted Pinwheel quilts as they are so bright and whimsical.

  5. The little French knots are really cute in your appliqué block, but wow, I love your pinwheels!! The colours are just so happy and joyous. I hope you enjoy the quilt show - never get to see any around here.

  6. I love those quilts. I really like how you made your labels. I have a monogram program on my machine also and you have definitely given me an idea for future labels. Do you quilt with a walking foot or is it free motion?

    1. I quilt with my walking foot. I have practiced free motion but I need a lot more practice before I attempt it on a quilt. Making the labels this way was easier for me than writing with a pen. The monogram is much legible.

  7. I love your dotty quilts...very bright and cheerful!

  8. Those pinwheel quilts are so colorful and happy! Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  9. Love your dotty pinwheel quilts, very cute & colourful!

  10. Those pinwheel quilts are adorable.

  11. I love polka dots and pinwheels -- the combination is inspired! Lovely quilts.

  12. The pinwheel quilts are so cheerful! Love the cow print on the back.

  13. What fun quilts those pinwheel quilts are. And yes for figuring out your alphabet and making labels. Someday I will do that....someday I might ... Heck. Who knows if I ever will. Nice eye candy today.

  14. I love the Paster's Quilt block and the colors. The pinwheels quilt is so cute - I love the border and the brown cow backing! - I try to cut and have the binding ready after making each quilt. Hope the show was good, as you can see, I am late in commenting.

  15. It is nice to be able to sit and sew when the weather is not favourable outside. Lovely projects.

  16. I can see why you made two of the dotted quilts Gretchen such happy sunny quilts. What a beauty block 7 us, love the colours you have used. Great sewing week but sorry you were unable to get out side. You have jumped back in to spring again wet and cold. We are having higher than average temps down here we are averaging 5C higher than normal temps since the beginning of the year, each month we have Brocken the highest temps month recorded. Does not look like winter is going to come this year. Hugs from Down Under. Glenda
