Sunday, March 27, 2016

Quilt Finish

The last of the quilts for the grandchildren has been quilted, I really like how she has turned out. Her name is Scrappy Rainbow. The quilting was done on my home sewing machine with stitching in the ditch on the horizontal seams. Diagonal stitching completed the quilt and she finished at 60" x 75".

More of my mother's purple fabrics for the backing of the quilt and I used various fabrics for the binding.

This aren't the greatest photos, but how could I resist placing the quilt on the porch glider in the wonderful sunshine?

We have 7 grandchildren but I only made 6 quilts. The youngest is still sleeps in a crib and uses the quilt I made him before he was born. He doesn't need a new quilt, I made him a pillowcase so he won't feel left out.

In January I mentioned 2 UFQ's I wanted to finish. I have completed one of them. I had been undecided about the border I wanted for the Cherry Blossoms quilt. I had put her away until I decided on a border and this is what I came up with. Nothing fantastic but I feel it finishes the center better than just a 1" narrow border and a plain fabric border. The quilt measures 90" x 102" at this point. She will eventually be long-arm quilted but I don't know when.

The pattern is from Karen H's blog, Faeries & Fibres. It was a free pattern when I downloaded it but now there is a pattern charge. I made the quilt larger and added the pieced border.

Now it was time to get back to making some Nearly Insane blocks. I hadn't pieced any since December; it was fun to do paper-piecing again. I'm piecing a diagonal row at a time, starting at the top left corner. Row 2 has block 8 in it. This little 6" finished block has 150 pieces! I'm showing you a separate photo of her.

Several people have e-mailed me and told me about the Nearly Insane Quilts blog. She far more skilled and dexterous than I am. Those inside HST's are 1/2" finished! If I want my blocks to be accurate, then the blocks have to be paper-pieced, not regularly pieced.
The yellow sashing looks brighter than it actually is.

In the evenings I've been working on an old EPP crib quilt that has been in progress for several years. I only work on her when I don't have any applique prepped. 
The papers are 1" hexies. There are more rows coming.

The spring Jane Stickle quilt retreat starts on April 13th. I need to get prepping! 

Linking up to Kathy's Slow Stitching Sunday
Quilting is More Fun than Housework
Love Laugh Quilt
Esther's Wednesday WOW
My Quilt Infatuation
Crazy Mom Quilts
A Quilting Reader's Garden


  1. So many pretty projects! I did half a dozen nearly insane blocks and that was enough for me. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  2. Congratulations on your finish. What a great rainbow of beautiful colors! Love the Nearly Insane block. It is on my someday list -- someday when I finish off some of these works in progress.

  3. Congrats on this colourful yet peaceful finish. I love it. I'm in awe!! 150 pieces inside a 6 inches block!! Amazing and it is gorgeous to boot. Awesome work. ;^)

  4. Oh my goodness Gretchen not sure when you get time to do the farm chores or sleepLOL. Those tiny block are insane!!! A 1/2 inch !!!! But how lovely they look especially with the yellow border. Love love the finished quilt on the bed, what a great way for 9 patches. Your scrappy rainbow is well named love it and the quilt. So m uch to see and enjoy today on my visit. Still can not believe you are making those tiny blocks ? Hugs Glenda

    1. I've always been surprised by how many people piece a Dear Jane, then turn right around and start another one. There is something addicting about piecing those little block. I decided I was NOT going to piece another Jane but make an Insane quilt! I really don't think the 150 piece blocks fits in with the other blocks, but I'm leaving it there. Blessings, gretchen

  5. As usual, your finished projects and works in progress are eye candy for me. Everything is so beautiful. They look even better in person. I haven't been sewing lately and I really miss it. I can't wait for the retreat as I will get to sew then. Keep up the legacy you are leaving my dear friend.

  6. What a lovely scrap quilt you made for your grandchild. I love all your colours.

  7. Wow, Gretchen, how many projects have you got on the go?!?! And each one of these is fab! I love the way the quilting on your grandchild's quilt has created the rhomboid shape, great idea. And your 'nearly insane' block is just incredible - I think it would probably have driven me over the edge, haha!

  8. Beautify projects in the works in your sewing space. Scrappy Rainbow and Cherry Blossoms are gorgeous!

  9. Gosh! You've been so busy! What beautiful projects - I particularly like your rainbow scrappy quilt!

  10. So many pretty and colorful little squares. It's lovely.

  11. Such a lot of lovely work - you have been so busy!!

  12. I love the four-patch and the Cherry Blossoms especially. How fun to have two big ones finished.

  13. Oh my you've been busy. I love the projects you have going. Four patch quilts always amaze me with their beauty and simplicity all rolled in one.

  14. Hello Gretchen
    back for another look so much to see and take in. I'm so so drawn to the Cherry blossom quilt. I'm make dozens of 1inch 4 patches at the moment with all the machine sewing I have been doing, I make them instead of using a scrap of fabric for my headers and Enders it's amazing how quickly the grow when made this way and they become oh so addictive to watch them grow. I have just been joining them in to blocks and bigger blocks and it looks like a postage stamp quilt growing but I have been thinking I'd like the blocks in white sashings. They are in 64 blocks at present we will have to wait see what happens??? Thanks for another lovely visit on look and learn so much to enjoy. Hugs Glenda

  15. Thanks Gretchen. I do really like that fabric. I am still tossing it around in my head to buy some more and do some fancy stitching in each block, but then again....I have plenty to keep me busy otherwise.

    In response to your comment on my blog, I have heard about how busy people can get in retirement. I am going to try and temper that because I want to enjoy what I do and have the time to do it. We'll see how well I manage my time starting next week! LOL

    Love your quilts, especially scrappy rainbow.
