Blue & White & Sometimes Yellow

 Blue and white quilts are among my favorite quilts. Here are blue & white quilts I've made, sometimes I add yellow too. The older quilts are at the top of the list, the newer quilts are shown as you scroll down.

Dear Jane - 2016

Blue & White Churn Dash - 2017

Nearly Insane - 2018

Happy Little Things - 2020

Regatta - 2018

Regatta Leftovers - 2018

Blue Stars Around the Garden - 2021

Hand quilted by me.

Long Arm Quilted by Three Sisters Fabric, New Paris, Ind.

Double Delight - 2022

Long Arm Quilted by Three Sisters Fabric, New Paris, Ind.

Blue Ridge Beauty - 2022

This is a donation quilt flimsy. I will not be quilting it.

Longarm quilted by Lori Null, Bristol, Indiana

Welsh Beauty, 2023

Hand quilted by me

Lady Jane, 2023

Hand quilted by me

Midnight Blues

Long arm quilted by Lori Null

1 comment:

  1. These are my favorite colors, too, and what I generally use when I'm making something just because. Your work (both farm and quilting) is just beautiful.
