Sunday, July 7, 2024

Knitting Dishcloths

It's been a while since I've had a Sunday post. The only hand work happening in my house is knitting dishcloths. They're simple to make and I don't have to think.

I don't know where I found the pattern I use, I do know it was a free pattern from wherever it came from. Seed Stitch Dish Cloth - With a size #6 circular needle cast on 40 stitches. Row 1 & 2 – knit. Row 3 & 4 – Knit 2 *K1 P1 repeat from * across to last 2 stitches k2. Repeat rows 1 – 4 for pattern until measures 9” (same as bottom edge), ending with Rows 1 & 2. Bind off. 

I should be embroidering quilt labels but that hasn't happened either, oh well. When I'm finished machine quilting all the small quilts I have in the stack, I'll prep the applique border for Blueberry Pie.

I was in Wakarusa last week so I took pictures of the quilt garden, it's growing. The dusty Miller looks like it's threatening to take over.

And from a different angle.

This is the design of this years garden.

A lovely wooden quilt hangs on the wall during the summer, it's put away over the winter season. 

Here is a link to Quilt Gardens Along the Heritage Trail.

Linking to Kathys Slow Stitching Sunday, Stitching Stuff, Oh Scrap, Handmade Monday, Sew & Tell, Craftastic Monday, Design Wall Monday, Monday MusingsTo Do Tuesday


  1. Thanks for the dishcloth pattern! The quilt garden is such a neat idea and I love the wooden quilt on the wall too. Gail at the cozy quilter

  2. The quilt garden is looking great! A very pretty wooden quilt, too!!! We love quilts in all sizes, shapes and materials, don't we?!!!

  3. The seed stitch on those dishcloths is so pretty. I love when you feature that quilt garden. That wooden quilt is stunning!

  4. Nice dishcloths! I knit mine too, but in garter stitch, which makes it easier to knit and watch TV. It's so nice to see quilts appreciated beyond just as bed covers. The quilt garden and the wooden quilt add beauty to the whole community.

  5. Sometimes you just have to do whatever seems to feel best. Progress is progress. Happy stitching whatever you decide to work on.

  6. Pretty dishcloths are always nice to make and use :-)
    The quilt garden is beautiful.

  7. I look forward to seeing the Quilt Garden each year. Thank you for sharing! I hadn’t noticed the wooden quilt on the side of the building in the past! It’s great! I haven’t knit “ in a coon’s age” my momma would have said! Maybe I should try it again before I totally forget how!

  8. I love seeing the quilt garden. Your dishcloths are very pretty. Thanks for the pattern.

  9. Tha is fir the dish cloth 9attern. The only pattern I've used so far is knitted on the diagonal, so this one will be good to try.

  10. I think I’ve used that dish cloth pattern too, makes me want to knit up some of my cotton!

  11. Those dish clothes are sure pretty! You always accomplish a ton. Thanks for sharing an updated photo of the quilt garden!

  12. Those cloths are too pretty to be dishcloths! Love the quilt garden pictures. xx

  13. I love to knit dish clothes too, and this is a pretty pattern. I shall have to try it.

  14. What a beautiful flower bed in the Quild Garden, including the wooden Quild.
    I would like to have one like that near me.
    Kind regards to you.
    Have fun knitting.

  15. What a neat idea -- a quilt garden. I assume it changes every summer? If I were a gardener I might want to try this. But, no desire to garden... Thanks for the pattern for the dish cloth. I've got some cotton yarn -- I might give it a try.

  16. Lovely dishcloths and pictures !

  17. I started out knitting dish clothes but now I crochet them.

  18. Those dishcloths make my knitter's heart happy, and makes it want to get my needles back out!

  19. I adore these quilt gardens. So imaginative! Thanks for sharing! That's a great pattern to knit dish cloths. I still have a few of Mom's. At the end at 87 she was still knitting them so I've been hanging on not using them. She would try out a different pattern in each one.

  20. Great dish cloths, Gretchen. I love seeing the gardens and the wooden quilt - fantastic! Thanks for sharing with us at Monday Musings!
