Friday, December 22, 2023

Mitering Corners, a Tutorial

Some people are challenged when it comes to mitering corners. I assume there are several different way to miter but this post is about my way. I don't have any problems and I can do a corner in 15 minutes.

I took pictures while I was mitering the corners of Hearts & Wreaths to show you my method.

Step 1. Sew two borders onto the center body. Stop stitching 1/4" from the end. Make sure you backstitch.

This is what is should look like. It's fine to have the borders longer than you need, in fact it's preferable to have a little extra fabric on the end.

Step 2. Fold the center diagonally.  Find the top edge of the border seam, pin the seam.

Step 3. Pin the borders then mark a diagonal line with a Frixon pen by lining up with the fold in the center (this should be a 45* angle). Then measure 1/8" to the left of the bottom and remark your line. I don't know why, I suppose it has something to do with bias, but if I don't sew in 1/8" from the bottom, the corner won't lay completely flat when sewn.

Step 4. Using a basting stitch, stitch along the line, don't backstitch. Turn the border over and check to see that the seam is smooth and not puckery. If you're satisfied, resew the seam using a smaller stitch. If not satisfied, remove the basting stitches and resew.

Step 5. Use your rotary cutter and trim the excess fabric. You could use scissors but if your fabric is a light color, crooked cut edge will show, smooth trims look more professional. Press the seam open.

See how nice and neat the corner looks?

Press the top side also. Now miter the other 3 corners.

I hope these instructions are clear. 

Blogger no longer allows me to reply to your comments on the blog. I don't know why, that's the way Blogger does.

Linking to Put Your Foot Down, TGIFF!, Beauty Pageant, Patchwork & Quilts


  1. What a neat corner! Thank you for the tute - yes it's clear and I'm bookmarking it.
    Blogger has messed us all up. If I could figure out how to do Wordpress, that is what I would do. I have been trying for over a decade and just can't "get it".

  2. good tutorial - that is pretty much how I do it to

  3. Very nice tutorial Gretchen. Happy holidays to you and best wishes from

  4. Thank you so much for the wonderful tutorial on mitered borders, Gretchen. Another quilter was asking me about this process last week. I will definitely refer her to your blog. Merry Christmas.

  5. Great tutorial! Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas!

  6. Thank you for sharing this great tutorial! I never try to make some mittered cormer, it always looks complicated to me. Your way looks like I can do it!
