Tuesday, December 19, 2023

And Another Comforter Top!

I have another comforter top to show you today but I didn't piece this one. This top was given to be to donated as a comforter but it was too small. I added the outside red borders (which came from the box sent to me last June) to bring it to the size of 63" by 81".

The backing fabric also came from the box. I used some of this fabric before on this little quilt. I thought black would look nice with the red border. That is the fish fabric shown in the lower left side.

It has taken me a year to put those borders on the top, finally finished!


  1. Nicely done! Congrats one moving this one along.

  2. Better late than never! The masculine type fabrics are always needed for the comfort quilts, and someone will no doubt love it!

  3. Nice to get it out of the way then - nice backing fabric. xx

  4. What a lovely charity top! That fish fabric is fun. Have a lovely Christmas! Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss. https://www.inquiringquilter.com/questions/2023/12/20/wednesday-wait-loss-359

  5. Ah there's nothing like finishing something that has taken a year to get to!

  6. Such a wonderful comforter, Gretchen. It will make someone quite happy and warm as well. Merry Christmas.

  7. Beautiful finish to bring it up to size Gretchen. The border and backing work well. Thank you for linking with To Do Tuesday.
