Friday, June 16, 2023

Scrappy Sprouts

One of the projects I want to finish this year is my Scrappy Sprouts quilt which I started piecing several years ago.

The pieced blocks have been sewn into strips. Now I need to get the flowers pieced for the top of the strips. I've changed my mind several times  about which flower I'm going to use. I had settled on hexie flowers but I'm not sure about that anymore. 

I want to get Blueberry Pie pieced then I have some UFQ's to finish before making the flowers. There is plenty of time to decide that but I do want this quilt finished before the end of the year.

Here is a link for a general pattern of Scrappy Sprouts. Here is a link to a picture of Scrappy Sprouts with interesting flowers. I've also seen scrappy sprouts made with Dresden flowers. And sometimes scrappy sprouts is made with no flowers.

Several years ago there were many scrappy sprout quilts in progress on the RSC link ups. Here is Kathy's start. Here is Sue's quilt. Vireya was piecing one too. Animated Librarian made her sprouts with tulip flowers, very pretty! I know there are a lot more scrappy sprouts out there but these are what I could find right now.

Linking to Put Your Foot Down TGIFF!, Peacock PartyFinished or Not  Friday, Off the Wall Friday, Beauty Pageant, Patchwork & Quilts, Scrap Happy Saturday.


  1. Lovely project! I like all the examples you showed! Have a lovely weekend!

  2. Fun RSC project!!! I'm looking forward to seeing what flowers you use, Gretchen!

  3. You make such beautiful quilts that your final decision for the flowers will be perfect for this project, I'm sure. I do have to say that I really like the very folk-artsy flowers that you linked to--such interesting, fun flowers!

  4. I like those!!! So happy and colorful - just like a real garden , but! they don't make me sneeze haha!

  5. Looking forward to what you decide to do!

    I went with the no flowers on my sprouts option because I could not decide!

  6. Love your scrappy sprouts! Such a great idea!
    MMM ... flowers or no flowers, what to do?
    Thanks for linking to TGIFF!

  7. Love your scrappy sprouts - will be interesting to see what flowers you choose. xx

  8. Sweet Scrappy Sprouts in the works, Gretchen!

  9. I love your scrappy leaves and the color gradient from bottom to top! Preeti @Sew Preeti Quilts is hosting a Positivity QAL with leaves and flowers, it could be another option!
    Thank you for sharing, and linking up ;)

  10. Oh that reminds me! I have sprouts in a project box too!! Gee whiz, I'd forgotten!

  11. Your colourful sprouts will look lovely topped with a flower.

  12. Your scrappy sprouts are so colorful and cheerful, Gretchen.Looking forward seeing the bloom in the future. Have a lovely weekend.

  13. Great sprouts, love all the variations of colour in each sprout. It will be interesting to see which flower style you choose.

  14. I love this Gretchen! It would be a hard choice for me; I would like a variety of flowers, but that might be too much for the quilt!

  15. The Sprouts quilt is going to be a really fun one. It's cute even without the flowers, but I'm sure it's going to get even better!!

  16. The sprouts look good..... Just get onto my flowers......
