Sunday, March 5, 2023

Quilting Lady Jane

Another swath hand quilted across Lady Jane. This time some of the applique center has been quilted.

Quilting has started in the center medallion. The bottom leaves and the light blue weird shaped leaves have been stitched in the ditch. The background is quilted with a hanging diamond design. And yes, I know, the spacing isn't perfect. This quilt will end up with one of the grandchildren, they won't care.

I decided not to quilt the blue border around the center medallion.

This is the left side of the quilt.

This is the right side of the quilt. The center medallion photo was supposed to be have been in between these two pictures but Blogger didn't want them that way.

We received 6" or more of snow Friday afternoon and evening, wet heavy snow, perfect for grandchildren sledding. This picture looks toward the southwest from the front of our house.

And this picture toward the southeast from our house.

And here is a picture of the north side of our house. 


  1. I love your quilting on lady Jane!!! I thought she would end up in a show as nice she is!!! I hope your children and grands know what a unique and wonderful quilter you are!!!
    Your snow looks lovely ❄️!
    I love all the tall trees around your new to you home… excited for spring!!!

  2. All that wintry snow does indeed look like the perfect landscape for fun sledding. The children would love it! Wish I was your granddaughter. =) How lovely one of your grandchildren will receive your beautiful Lady Jane quilt. I know I have said this before.....she is truly exquisite!

  3. The quilting looks great! You've been moving along with this quilt. It's such a pretty pattern.

  4. What a beautiful quilt! Blues, churn dash, and beautiful applique. So,lovely.

  5. quilting is lovely and all that snow - when will winter end for all of you - I know here will be back to chilly 40's and rain again by mid week.

  6. Wonderful quilting on Lady Jane. Not sure where you live, but lovely snow photos. I’m tired of winter already. We still have snow on the ground but the roads and walks are mostly clear. More coming this week however! Bleck!

  7. I love your quilting on Lady Jane. Your snowy photos look beautiful. We haven't had anything but a dusting that was gone the next day. It is quite unusual for us. Enjoy your quilting.

  8. Love Lady Jane. I especially think the motifs in those unadorned blocks are absolutely perfect. I love seeing how your hand quilting brings a quilt to life.

  9. Bit by bit, Lady Jane is getting done and oh, so lovely!

  10. Dear Gretchen,
    Lady Jane is a beauty. Yes this wet snow is no fun we ended up with more than twelve inches of it and hubby pulled a muscle in his back. Even with snowblower one spent hours digging out. It looks peaceful and quiet where you live. Soon the season will change, we had one chipmunk at our back door this morning. Watch it run across the snow and came asking for peanuts. Put a few out, the cat loves to watch it through the back window. Have a wonderful day with the grandchildren.

  11. I hope the grandchildren were able to sled in that snow! Lady Jane continues to bloom into even more of a beauty than your previous post with each of your stitches. A grandchild will be so fortunate to receive it!

  12. Beautiful quilting on Lady Jane. Don't envy you that snow. We have had freezing temperatures here, and lots of rain thankfully! Hope you have a great week!

  13. If I could hand quilt as well as you do.... The quilt is beautiful as is your quilting! Hugs

  14. Lovely quilting, Gretchen.
    Beautiful snow photos but stay warm Spring is comming soon.
    Have a nice week.

  15. It's always so nice to see your beautiful hand quilting, Gretchen. The snowy photos look lovely, it's Autumn here now so our days will start to cool down again. Not that we get snow on the ground here like you, just in the mountain tops.

  16. This will certainly be a lovely quilt when it is completed. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  17. Just beautiful…..both your quilting and the snowy scenes. The quilt will be an heirloom.

  18. Lady Jane is fantastic and your hand quilting is beautiful! Just, WOW! Thanks so much for linking up with Monday Musings!

  19. Your Lady Jame quilt is so beautiful.
    So nice for the grandchildren that they got to sledge in the snow. I'm looking forward to spring. Happy stitching!

  20. Lady Jane is beautiful and I gasped when I saw your quilting - it's gorgeous! You are right, the grandchildren won't care, but wow, what a great job. Your views are spectacular.

  21. Oh my gosh! Your quilting and quilt are lovely - beyond words! Thank you so much for sharing such an inspiring post!

  22. What lovely progress you have made. I am excited to see you finish it. :) Thanks for joining Sew & Tell
