Friday, December 30, 2022

What's Happening in 2023?

A year ago I had big quilting plans for 2022. I was really going to sew those quilts that had been on the sometime list. A lot of them didn't happen, so what do I have planned for 2023?

I'm not going to attempt to be as ambitious as I wanted to be a year ago. The for sure projects are . . .

1. Lady Jane is the quilt designated for hand quilting. She needs to be marked then put into the hand quilting frame. The backing is waiting and wool batting will be used. She will be quilted with white thread.

2. Hearts & Wreaths -  The borders need to be marked and then the vine embroidering will start. After that, the leaves will be appliqued.

3. Make some Christmas quilts. I've already pulled fabrics and put them with patterns.

4. I'm NOT going to start any new projects for the RSC this year. I have 3 projects that need to be finished from last year, Star Dance, Dancing Stars and Scrappy Sprouts. Hopefully these will be completed this year.

4. There are several small quilts that are to be machine quilted by me.

5. Maybe this will be the year Writer's Block happens, this quilt has been waiting for so long.

Writer's Block is the from Red, White, and Sometimes Blue book.  I cut strips for this quilt four years ago but never found the time to actually sew anything. Of course my quilt is going to be blue & white. The background fabric was purchased earlier this year. It's a soft white with a gray dot.

I don't know why it's named Writer's Block, the design reminds me of a variation of the Burgoyne Surrounded design. I plan to add an applique border.

6. Finish at least 2 UFQ's besides the RSC projects. There are several.

I think this is a manageable list. We'll see what has happened by the end of 2023.

Linking to Put Your Foot Down, TGIFF!, Peacock Party, Whoop Whoop Party, Finished or Not  Friday, Off the Wall FridayPatchwork & Quilts


  1. Love all your upcoming projects and can’t wait to see Lady Jane on the frame in your new sewing space!!!

  2. I like the idea of keeping the quilting goal more manageable and not so stressful. Rethinking mine for 2023.

  3. I love your organization. My 2023 goal is to use as much of my stash as possible. I'd love to shrink the amount of fabric that I own. ~Jeanne

  4. Your 2 big handwork projects will take a lot of time but they will be gorgeous when done. Hope your new year will be happy and productive.

  5. I love the projects you've selected to work on next year, and keeping things less stressful sounds so great. These have been such unusual years we've just gotten through, I am hoping that 2023 will bring us all some sense of normal.
    *big hugs*

  6. you sound like me in saying no new RSC projects this year - I think I have 5 started that I was no where near finishing and one that was close. I would love to get some of those finished without started a new one and still have time for something new

  7. Lady Jane is going to be gorgeous with your impeccable hand quilting. Will love watching your progress. It is very interesting to see your '23 goals as I am currently mulling over what I will list as goals for the new year.Happy New Year, Gretchen!! *Jayne*

  8. It's great to have goals, especially if you are determined to stick to them. I'm sure you will. I've enjoyed reading your blog posts and watching along as you do your beautiful hand quilting. Gretchen, you are a real inspiration!

  9. Your goals are ambitious. I wish you steady process with them. Lady Jane is truly glorious. What a treat it will be to admire it as you hand quilt it.

  10. Lady Jane and Hearts & Wreaths are both gorgeous! Your list for the year sounds very doable.

  11. You have beautiful projects to work on!! I know you will have fun with them!

  12. Lady Jane and Hearts are going to be stunning quilts. I am with you on the slow down. I am trying to put my 2023 plans together in my mind - not on paper yet. Have a great week - Hugs.
