Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Triple Treat

Last summer Bonnie Hunter came out with her newest leader/ender project, Triple Treat. I decided to participate but modified the pattern to use 2" strips and started sewing.

Here is a link to the post I wrote in July about my triple treat progress. I had tentatively decided to use the 4 patches in the Kitty Korner pattern from the February 2000 issue of Fons and Porter magazine but changed my mind after I had all the 4 patches made.

Here is my first Triple Treat flimsy. She measures 63" by 90" and will be donated to my church to be knotted for charity. I miscounted piecing the blocks and made way more than necessary. Hopefully this quilt will find a tall person.

I had found some yardage fabrics from my mom's stash so I decided to use it up. This is  different twist from most of the TT's I've seen, all the others have used a variety of fabrics. I should mention that these browns have tiny little blue flowers in them so I thought they would look nice with the blue 4 patches. You can't see the flowers in the pictures though.

Maybe it's because I used the same fabrics for the blocks, but I am disappointed the blue fabrics from the 4 patches don't show better, they blend into the colored sections. But the white chain is visible.

I wondered what a quilt would look like if I turned the 4 patch block so the blues of the 4 patches would make the chain. I have a fat quarter bundle of small florals I purchased years ago. I pulled those out, cut up 2 of the quarters and made 6 blocks just to get an idea. I think I'm going to like this design.

I've moved onto another project for now but my triple treat variation will be pulled out later this winter and finished. I am going to use a variety of background fabrics this time.

Linking to To Do Tuesday, Monday This 'N ThatMidweek Makers, Wednesday Wednesday Wait Loss, Put Your Foot Down


  1. I love your donation triple treat!!! This size is great for a twin bed too!
    Your triple treat to come will be a welcomed sight too… but I love this one! Glad it will find a loving home in the future!!! After being tied and bound that is!!!

  2. I think the blues look really nice! They sort of sparkle.

  3. Triple Treat is gorgeous! I love the fabrics you used. I'm looking forward to seeing your variation. Does your church have a "knotting" bee? Is it already bound? Have a wonderful Christmas and thank you for sharing with us at To Do Tuesday!

  4. Triple Treat looks very different with the consistent fabric and colors in the corner of the block. Mine is such a mishmash. That's how Bonnie Hunter wrote it, but I like your version a lot. The next variation too, will be wonderful. Merry Christmas to you and yours.

  5. I love your Triple Threat quilt. I think it looks good, but I understand when you have something pictured in your mind, and the real deal is matching what's in your head. What a great leaders and enders project.

    Happy Holidays!

  6. Ohhh that looks amazing, I really love it! Leaders and projects are such fun.

  7. I love both of your variations of this block. I'm working on the scrappy version, and had to stop what I was really working on to make more of these blocks as it was so much fun! Only because I would want someone to tell me before I got to far- there is a 4 patch that is turned in your last picture. Happy quilting and Merry Christmas!

  8. What a pretty quilt! It will definitely make someone very happy. Love your new variation too! Thanks for sharing both on my weekly show and tell link up, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  9. Forgot to say...Merry Christmas! Have a lovely holiday.

  10. Well, when I see any kind of Irish Chain type quilt, all I can think of is "how would I quilt it?" (says the quilter, rubbing her hands with glee!). I think yours is lovely and I'm sure the larger size will be matched with just the right recipient. I tried doing a leaders and enders project but I ended up getting sidetracked from the main project and working ONLY on the leaders and enders project until it was finished! It was a Squirrel for sure! Merry Christmas to you and your family, Gretchen!
