Sunday, December 18, 2022

EPPing Again

 The decision to finish older projects is still happening. This time it's an EPP project using 3/4" hexies. I have no idea when I started working on these blocks, I do know it is since I finished my grandmother's flower garden quilt which used 1" hexies. That was back in 2014.

This flower garden is using civil war fabrics. There were 3 completed flowers in the box when I opened. it.

There were several partially completed blocks. I added the outer red hexies which had already been basted.

And there were 7 or 8 centers with no outer hexies added. I'm using hexies that were already basted but I'll be adding more.

This is a flower that only had the light center. I had been making the flowers with a dark outside row. I want to mix those up by using lighter rows on the outside. This blocks is my favorite one so far.

The plan is to make a table runner for the top of an old blanket chest I inherited from my mother. The lid is in rather tough shape so the runner will cover all the dings it has accumulated over the  years. The lid measures 24" by 50". This won't be sewn in a hurry but it's fun to EPP again.

This is the flower I'm working on now. The pink hexies had been already added to the center cream fabrics.

Linking to Kathys Slow Stitching Sunday, Stitching Stuff, Oh Scrap, Sew & TellHandmade Monday, Design Wall Monday, Craftastic Monday, Monday This 'N ThatMonday Musings


  1. Lovely! I am such a fan of english paper piecing and will enjoy watching your pile of hexie flowers grow :)

  2. I wish we lived closer so you could teach me the art of EPP... my arthritic fingers just can't seem to do it but I sew enjoy seeing it done!

  3. Your flowers are beautiful. Good for you to work on older projects! I can't wait to see this project progress.

  4. Very pretty hexie flowers! My oldest UFO is a hexie project and it's on my list to move it along next year. Happy stitching this week.

  5. This will be so pretty with the Reproduction Fabrics and go very well with the Chest! Hexes are fun and I should do some again, maybe in 2023! Have a great week before Christmas. Enjoy stitching. Hugs

  6. the EPP looks wonderful - have fun making them

  7. The grandmothers flower garden quilt was the first one I made back in 1977, all hand stitched, and still at the end of the guest bed. Yours looks lovely Happy stitching.

  8. Your EPP flowers are such lovely, beautiful fabric and it looks like a good plan going forward.
    Happy stitching!

  9. My hands don't like my love of EPP. But I managed to make the front of a zippered pouch this last week. Your flowers are lovely and a great idea to cover those dings

  10. Lovely EPP blocks. I recognize some of those fabrics from my Civil War reproduction fabrics! Happy Holidays!

  11. Lovely blocks. Have fun with them.

  12. Those are quite small hexies. I have yet to try EPP. Not sure my arthritic thumb could handle it now. These will make a lovely runner.

  13. Those Civil War fabrics are so pretty in their muted shades. Such a lovely hand pretty to work on. Stitching little hexies is always a relaxing time to spend one's time.

  14. Simple hexie EPP is my favourite, I love these blocks and their lovely colours and prints. Thank you for sharing them with us at Handmade Monday :-)

  15. Those are really pretty Gretchen! Hand work is so relaxing, it’s fun to have an on the go project to work on.

  16. These are beautiful and perfect for a hand stitching project. Great idea for a chest cover.

  17. Gretchen, I admire your hand work. I must say, this is a technique I have never tried, but often considered!! Thanks for sharing with Monday Musings!
