Sunday, December 11, 2022

Darlene Zimmerman Embroidery Blocks

Last June a friend and I were out and about. One of the stops we made was the fabric shop in the Essenhaus complex.

They were selling kits for a small quilt they had on display, it was so cute, embroidery with baskets. I told the clerk I didn't want a kit but I would be interested in the pattern. The name of the pattern is Pretty in Pink and is a free pattern from the Robert Kauffman website!

I looked up the pattern and downloaded it, then read it. The large floral blocks are from a panel! I didn't want to buy the panel. Then I remembered I have a Darlene Embroidery panel I started working on several years ago.  Maybe this panel could replace the other one?

I pulled out the old panel and started working to finish the last 4  floral blocks. 

The last block is finished! I'm not sure what this flower is supposed to be, it reminds me of dogwood blossoms. This dogwood has pink blossoms.

Here are pictures of all 8 of the blocks.

Twelve weight Sulky thread for thread. Unfortunately I haven't been able to figure out how to make these straight set blocks become on point blocks and be he correct size for the small quilt. For now they're in timeout until I come up with an alternate idea.

Linking to Kathys Slow Stitching Sunday, Stitching Stuff, Oh ScrapHandmade Monday, Design Wall Monday, Craftastic Monday, Monday Musings


  1. Wow! Your embroidery is so pretty. I can't wait to see how you solve the dilemma about your setting. I know it's going to be beautiful :)

  2. Your embroidery on each of these blocks is amazing Gretchen... you are so creative I am sure they won't spend too much time come spring in your new home before they will be a beautiful wall hanging or couch quilt to enjoy for years to come! Excited to see what you come up with that showcases your embroidery!

  3. Gorgeous! It will be interesting to see what you come up with for setting these.

  4. Your embroidery is lovely. As far as the setting - would putting a triangle on each side like a 'square in a square' block work? I'll be interested to see what you come up with.

  5. That embroidery is so pretty. I am glad that you finally finished it. I am sure you will figure out a wonderful way to use these blocks.

  6. I am totally in love with these beautiful blocks, Gretchen. I've been on an internet hunt for Darlene patterns which led me to Robert Kaufman. More to follow.

  7. Those are really pretty blocks! They will make a beautiful quilt no matter how you decide to put them together!

  8. I am smitten with these gorgeous blocks! Such beautiful embroidery! Can't wait to see what you come up with for them!

  9. Really beautiful embroidery! Do you live near Northern Indiana? I live in Indy and head to Shipshewana twice a year for quilt retreats - have enjoyed yummy meals at Essenhaus and been to the quilt shop there a few times. It is such a great area!

  10. They may not want to play your way, but they are very pretty.

  11. They are such pretty embroidered blocks, I'm sure you will come up with a wonderful idea for them.

  12. These blocks look amazing, Gretchen. I look forward to seeing how you set them in the future. Have a wonderful week and happy quilting.

  13. Oh! Your quilt blocks are amazingly beautiful! It would be a shame to tuck them away! How I wish I could offer you a solution. I hope they are soon shining in a beautiful quilt soon! They are stunning!

  14. Gretchen, these blocks are lovely! Well done you on such lovely embroidery. I think you are right, the first flower is a dogwood. I'm looking forward to seeing these in a quilt! Have a lovely day! Hugs!

  15. You could add triangles to make them “square within a square” blocks…..or forget the on point idea and set them with little baskets in the other blocks, as per the Pretty in Pink picture (turn the square picture on the website to on point, and it looks great with the embroidered blocks combined with small baskets with squares). hard to describe, but I can see it in my head. lol. Your blocks are not with the base on the flower pot on point, so that is the issue. You will figure it out. Hugs, Judy

  16. The embroidered panel turned out beautifully. Even better rather than starting a brand new project you pulled out an older project and moved it along.

  17. Late as usual….Your embroidery is beautiful. There was a quilt that I saw where they put alternating blocks (like 9 patches) and spaced the embroidery blocks in different areas in the quilt. Lots of hand work that went into these blocks! Hugs

  18. Loving these embroidered blocks...especially the watering can. It reminds me of my grandmother and her watering can. Fond memories! Thanks for linking up with Monday Musings!
