Friday, December 9, 2022

2022 Challenges, 1 - 5

I made a list last December of challenges for the year 2022. Now at the end of 2022, I'm reviewing how many of those challenges I met. I had no idea when I made those challenges last December that we would be moving into a new home this year!

This first post is about challenges 1 - 5. Click on the title of each number to read about the quilt.

1. Writer's Block - Didn't happen. I've had strips cut for this quilt for several years but I did buy the background fabric. Maybe in 2023.

2. Double Delight - I started piecing Double Delight March 1 and finished sewing the binding May 4.

3. Blue Ridge Beauty - This is not a finished quilt. I donated the flimsy to the school fundraiser my Pennsylvania grandchildren attend. It will be hand quilted then auctioned in the 2023 quilt auction.

4. Wildflower Woods - The flimsy has been pieced. I still want to applique some broderie perse on the triangles in the center section.

5. Reduce 2" strips box - When I was in Utah in September, I took all the colored 2" squares along and sewed them into foursies. They're still in the bag they came home from Utah in. Maybe more progress will happen in 2023.

Linking to Needle & Thread Thursday, Put Your Foot Down, TGIFF!, Peacock Party, Whoop Whoop Party, Finished or Not  Friday, Off the Wall Friday, Beauties Pageant, Patchwork & Quilts


  1. It's always fun to see progress. I'm a strong believer that you don't want to finish everything - you'd have nothing to do tomorrow! ;) These are great projects ~Jeanne.

  2. You made amazing progress - and GORGEOUS quilts!!!!

  3. I also moved this past year, and I’m impressed you got anything done! Love, love, love #2. Happy holidays!

  4. You made great progress! Your quilt tops look fantastic :)

  5. And I'm sure you have had a finish or two which wasn't on this list? Plus all your glorious hand quilting!

  6. I think you did more than this list! All beauties! and ready for 2023 to be completed! Hugs

  7. Wow and WOW! What amazing pieces you've created! I love all three of the quilts/top! You did an amazing job! Hugs!!

  8. Beautiful, all of them!!! Great job, Gretchen! So many tiny pieces in those quilts!!!

  9. Wow, despite the move, you made a lot! It's always fun to look back at what was scheduled, and what is done. It's a winning year!
    Thank you for sharing, and linking up ;)

  10. Congrats on making progress on each of your goals - because buying the background counts as a step closer to your goal, Gretchen!!
