Tuesday, October 18, 2022

The Guest Bedroom, Bathroom & My Office

Today I'm going to show you the guest bedroom, bathroom and my office.

The Farmer was so naive, we bought a house so we could just move in, right? Ha, ha, ha, ha . . . . No!

This house was built by Bob & Debbie. Debbie liked brown and gray. Gray is fine in quilts but not on walls, especially in northern Indiana where the sun doesn't shine very often in the winter thanks to the Lake Michigan effect.

The week after we bought the house I painted the walls in the guest bedroom and the office. The white color is called Winter's Dawn, I don't remember what the blue is called but hey, it's my house and I like blue! Also darker blue is a good accent and it nicely displays quilts that have a light outside border.

First the guest bedroom . . .

On the bed I have the twin sized chicken quilt I made before I started blogging. I don't remember the name of the pattern. The chicken quilt is the special quilt the grandchildren sleep under when they stay over night. I put a regular quilt on when the adult guests visit.

The wall quilt is called Medallion, it's an older pattern from Edyta Sitar. The label says it was finished in 2011, again before I was blogging. I think I changed the block size but I don't remember for sure.

The dark blue wall is perfect to show off my Dear Jane quilt. After she was finished, I always wished I had made the outside border blue instead of white. I didn't make the traditional scalloped border because I didn't like it, I'd rather have a border of feathers.

I ordered a set of 3 Quilt keepers, I first saw them on Karen's blog. Scroll down the right side, there's a link there for you to order through. The quilt I'm displaying is the Vintage Boston Commons quilt that I hand quilted in 2020.

(Showing you the quilt keeper picture made extra space in the post. Since I have never figured out how to move pictures close to each other, I'll just leave space between the typing.)

Now we're going to move to the guest bathroom. The green color of this bathroom is the color the master bedroom/closet/master bathroom and hallway were all painted. I know it doesn't look green here but trust me, it's a weird green color. I didn't have this bathroom painted, I don't use it! 

On the door is another quilt keeper displaying the OMIGOSH! quilt I made in 2020. This is on the outside of the door so when the door is shut, the quilt hangs in the hallway.

Behind the door into the bathroom is the bathtub. The sink is on the right hand side. Again there is plenty of storage space in this room.

Look in the mirror and you'll see a sneak preview!

When you walk to the back of the room, there is an alcove where the toilet stool and a urinal (!? Debbie had it installed, not me!) are. Hanging on the wall above them is my Infinity bargello quilt. Click on the link, the colors are more vivid than this picture shows.

I thought the red/orange colors would brighten up the drab walls of this green room. 

I also painted the walls in my office. The Farmer does occasionally use it but mainly he comes in here and has me look up information for him.

The office is a work in progress. I had an old ugly metal cabinet that I used at the farmhouse but it's not coming in the house, it's residing in the shop on the north side of the garage. I need to get another chest of drawers to hold papers.

I have a lovely view of the north porch and of the trees on the north side of the house.

On the east wall is the wall quilt I made using Grandma Sylvia's embroidered blocks. The blue border looks nice against the white wall.

Click the link and you'll see a better close up photo.

The blue south wall highlights the Contrary Wife wall quilt I appliqued the winter of 2013 - 2014 through the Prairie Women Sewing Circle Journey 3 class. I participated in the class at Caroline's Cotton Corner. The post highlights all the projects I made in that class.

I have my chair in the corner, this is where I do my evening handwork. 

The Farmer enjoys watching sports or farming shows in the evening, I don't. I relax and slow stitch while watching the programs I want to watch without have to listen to armchair coaching from the Farmer, the referee critique or cries of anguish!

This post has gotten long enough so I'm going to close with one more picture. The quilt keeper hanging on the door to the office is displaying the Aunt's Bea's Parlor wallhanging I embroidered the winter of 2012-2013. I hand quilted her that summer. She finishes at 45" by 54", another project before my blogging days.

Linking to To Do Tuesday, Midweek Makers, Wednesday Wait Loss, Put Your Foot Down,  Needle & Thread Thursday 


  1. J'aime beaucoup ton intérieur mais surtout les patchworks qui sont magnifiques.
    Monique D

  2. Everything looks so beautiful! I love the wood doors and window casements.

  3. A very fun tour to go with my coffee. I love seeing all the quilts displayed.

  4. I love what I've seen of your new house (although I don't know about a urinal!). Your quilts add so much- it makes your home look so comfortable and welcoming. The Medallion quilt is a favorite and the Dear Jane on that blue wall is stunning! Thanks for the tour. ~Jeanne

  5. I am enjoying these tours so much! I am gaga over the woodwork and wood floors in your home, and the Winter's Dawn and dark blue walls are perfect for displaying your gorgeous quilts. I love your stitching space, and LOL on the farmer - he and my Hubs would get along great with all the talking at the TV!
    The first thing we did when we moved into this house was have every wall painted to get rid of dark beige with red accent walls and yellow accent walls! We chose White Pepper, a very light gray, and now calm and peace prevails. ;) Thank you for sharing at To Do Tuesday!

  6. It is always a treat to see someone's home and what they do with their quilts. Your home is wonderful!

  7. I'm so glad the quilt keeper worked out for you - I just have the one on the sewing room door - I actually do not have a lot of doors in this tiny house! I just love your Dear Jane quilt so much - I kind of wish now I hadn't tackled the scallop edges yours straight looks perfect.

  8. You've really done a good job hanging (and showing quilts.) I love the Dear Jane on that blue wall! You've made a lot of beautiful quilts and this home shows them off so well.

  9. What a lovely tour, and I like your cozy spot to sit and sew by that lovely Contrary Wife quilt. I am dazzled by your Aunt Jane quilt - it looks just stunning on its own, but with that blue wall - wowza!

  10. I am assuming that your office is not your sewing room. You have some pretty views from your office. I like those dark blue accent walls. I have never been brave enough to use a dark color on a wall. You are making this house a beautiful home.

  11. A lovely way to display your beautiful quilts. Love those blue walls, they really show off your quilts, especially Jane.

  12. Love the tour. Your Dear Jane against the blue wall is stunning. Every detail of your new home is beautiful.

  13. What a treat to see some more of your new house and lovely quilts. Your Dear Jane is a work of art, and looks stunning hanging on the blue wall. I love your embroidered baskets quilt too, so pretty. Thanks again for the house tour.

  14. What a wonderful way to add character, warmth and a homely feel to every room of your lovely house.

  15. Wow Wow Wow!!! I love how you have set this all up - I love the Blue and white on your walls - its just gorgeous!!!!

    when your done... want to come here?????

  16. Thank you so much - like going to the community Quilt Show without leaving my chair. I'm really going to have to get back to doing embroidered quilts! Only did 3 for far for children but love the timeless look. But all of them are wonderful. Thanks!

  17. The tour is wonderful, Gretchen! I love how everything is decorated with quilts. I especially love all the hardwood trim in the house AND the fact that it is natural and not painted. The blue accent wall is perfect for your Dear Jane quilt. You spent so much time of your quilts, they truly are pieces of art. LOL on listening to Farmer as he watches TV. That's how it goes at our house too, but I wouldn't trade it for the world.

  18. Dear Jane looks so good on that dark blue wall!!! I enjoyed the tour of your new home!!!

  19. Really enjoyed the tour and seeing how you display quilts in your home. Love your Dear Jane! Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.

  20. What a wonderful tour of your house! And thank you for revolting against grey walls - I'm not a fan either. Taupe, maybe, but full on grey? No thanks! I love the blue wall as it works perfectly with the wood trim color. The quilts are pretty too!

  21. You have a corner office! I guess you've reached the pinnacle. Your quilts are so beautifully displayed, and I thank you for the link for the hangars.
