Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Quilt Garden

I took updated pictures of the Wakarusa quilt garden on September 7. I would have assumed they would have sprinklers set up to water the flowers but it doesn't look like the flowers got water when they needed it.

Some of the flowers they used this year didn't last the whole season and some went to seed. They normally remove all the vegetation the end of September. I often think the flowers would look nice into October but not this year!

Here are links to the quilt garden in July  and August.

Linking to To Do Tuesday, Midweek Makers, Wednesday Wait Loss


  1. I love seeing the Quilt Gardens in your area. Even with the imperfections, they are beautiful. ~Jeanne

  2. I'd love to see the quilt garden in peak bloom, but it does have a kind of faded beauty, doesn't it? Thank you for sharing it with To Do Tuesday!

  3. It's still a beautiful garden.

  4. So sad to see it going to seed, but what a lovely garden! I took a tour bus and saw several of the gardens on the tour a few years ago and they were very pretty. Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.
