Sunday, October 2, 2022

Hearts & Wreaths

I found time to applique the center hearts on the last two blocks for Hearts & Wreaths during our August trip to Pennsylvania. The leaves will happen sometime this autumn.

It's frustrating to me that the background yellow never photographs nicely. In these pictures the color looks beige!

The hearts in these two blocks use similar blues but I think they'll work nicely with the other blocks.

As usual, here is a link to my first post about Hearts & Wreaths. That post will give you background information about Hearts & Wreaths and also show you the true color of the yellow!

And here is a link to all of my Hearts & Wreaths posts.

I wrote this post and a few others before I left for Utah in September. I'm home again and playing catch up on everything! In a few weeks I'll give you a review of the changes in the farmer and my lives.

Linking to Kathys Slow Stitching Sunday, Stitchin Stuff, Oh Scrap, Monday Making, Handmade Monday, Design Wall Monday, Craftastic Monday


  1. Your Hearts and Wreaths is really coming along... hope your trip to Utah was fun :)
    Have a blessed October!!!

  2. Wow, the last two blocks! It has been fun seeing all your blocks as you made them, they are just wonderful. Good luck with changes in your life.

  3. Your blocks are really nice, I hate it too when photos change the colour of parts of the picture.

  4. Those are such pretty blues in your hearts! This is going to be an amazing quilt!

  5. 2 precious blocks, Gretchen.
    Glad to hear you are back and had enjoyed the trip to Utah.
    Have a wonderful week.

  6. Love seeing your quilting and appliqué. Always inspiring! Hope all is well

  7. I looked back and wow, Kona Maize is really not showing in the photos. But fortunately your gorgeous appliques are! And also wonderful to view, your quilting lines in the last post. Such a pleasure to visit here!

  8. Beautiful blue hearts to start off these blocks. I hope the changes still allow for lots of stitching time. Your beautiful quilting stitches are inspirational.

  9. I love seeing your applique. Sounds like changes are afoot on the farm. I'll be interested to hear about them, as I'm a farm girl still though I haven't lived on a farm since I left home.

  10. Welcome back, Gretchen. Your blue hearts are so pretty. I am sure this is a very relaxing project. Have a great day and happy quilting.

  11. Welcome back to Blog land! Missed you. Your H & F looks great! They will blend in with all the others. Hugs

  12. Your appliqué is so beautiful. Welcome back btw!

  13. Those blues are beautiful and must POP out of the yellow.

  14. Lovely blue appliquéd hearts for your hearts and wreaths quilt!

  15. How fun to be on the last two of many heart wreath blocks. It is interesting how the background photographs on any given day! Well done!

  16. You and that blue! You know what you like, for sure. :-) Eager to see you complete another beauty!

  17. Very pretty blue and whites... good progress is being made!
    Thanks for linking up to Slow Sunday Stitching!

  18. I went back to your original post and looked at the yellow fabric. It's such a beautiful shade of yellow, and I agree that it is a total shame that it is not photographing as yellow in the blocks. This is going to be such a beautiful quilt!

  19. I am looking forward to seeing all those blocks together. I find it frustrating how some fabrics photograph also. I hope you enjoyed your trip!

  20. Very pretty blues! Hope you've been able to get back to your sewing room now that you are home.

  21. These looks so lovely. It's been ages since I did any applique, you've made me what to have another go!
