Sunday, July 17, 2022

Welsh Beauty

Another swath across Welsh Beauty has been quilted. And it looks like Blogger has actually placed them in order, from right to left!

As you can see in the center pictures, the next swath across will finish the top of the center medallion. Then it will be just cross hatching most of the way except for the right and left side borders.

As usual, a link to the first post about Welsh Beauty

Kathy from Sewing Etc, is hand quilting this same quilt! She hopes to have her quilt finished by November. Happy stitching Kathy!

I was recently in Wakarusa and took photos of the quilt garden.

This garden is one of many in the Quilt Gardens, Along the Heritage Trail.

The Quilt Garden journey was started during the recession of 2008. More RV's are manufactured in Elkhart and LaGrange Counties, Indiana than anywhere else in the US. 

The RV industry was extremely hard hit and had to lay off most of their employees. Some of these factories employed over 10,000 people!

The Heritage Trail was developed to draw tourists to our counties to bolster the economy. I don't know how well that idea worked but I do know people (quilters) who come to our area and drive the trail.

There benches located in the park for people to use.

Another small town close to Wakarusa is Nappanee. Connie lives there and wrote a post about the Nappanee Quilt Garden.

I'll take pictures again later this summer when the flowers are larger.

Linking to Kathys Slow Stitching Sunday, Monday Making, Design Wall Monday, Craftastic Monday


  1. I love seeing your local quilt gardens Gretchen... and so glad you showcased your own quilting this week too and that Blogger played nice :)
    Have a wonderful week my friend!

  2. It's amazing to see your always so beautiful hand quilting! It looked exciting with Quilte Gardens. Thank you for sharing!

  3. Beautiful hand quilting. Lovely pictures! Hugs

  4. those gardens are beautiful! always love to see that quilt

  5. Glad blogger cooperated laying out your pictures right! Your quilting is beautiful, something I aspire too! Those gardens are beautiful!

  6. Your quilting is beautiful, Gretchen. You are making a lot of progress. An amazing quilt garden as well. It would be so nice to sit on one of the benches and enjoy the blooms. Have a wonderful week.

  7. more gorgeous stitches........what a great idea to plan the gardens......Caravan places have such a wait list at present.......

  8. Your quilting is gorgeous. I like the idea of the quilt gardens.

  9. Your hand quilting is very beautiful. I need a LOT more practice to get anywhere near that skilled.

    The Quilt Gardens are so interesting. I had never heard of them. Thanks for sharing!!

  10. Beautiful stitching as ever! I'm enjoying following your progress on the Welsh Beauty. I'd never heard of the quilt garden trail - very interesting.

  11. Wow, you are moving along with your Welsh Beauty. I keep getting distracted by other things, I just need to buckle down! Beautiful stitching as always…I am inspired!
