Friday, July 22, 2022

Sunny Lanes

More than a year ago, Cathy from Sane, Crazy, Crumby Quilting showed Sunny Lanes blocks she was piecing. I had never heard of this block!

After viewing her lovely quilt, I immediately (squirreled) pieced one block. I posted about this block way back on February 5, 2021! It has been hanging on my display wall ever since.

This is the UFQ I worked on this week, piecing 15 more Sunny Lane blocks.

I'm finishing projects. After I pieced that individual block, I stuck the orangey/yellow fabric in the box with the 2" squares and there it's been all this time, waiting for the finish.  I didn't have quite enough of that fabric so I pulled a slightly lighter, more yellow fabric to use. It worked just fine.

This quilt has turned out so pretty! I love how I made 16 blocks of the same design but my quilt has 2 designs!

The individual blocks finish at 12". My quilt measures 48.5". This pattern has used a bunch of 2" squares from the 2" box but the box is still more than half full.

Wouldn't a full size quilt in this pattern be wonderful? Maybe someday.

I'll be machine quilting this quilt on my sewing machine sometime this winter. I'm not sure if she'll be donated as a charity crib quilt or if I'll keep it for myself as a happy wall hanging.

Here is a link to the Sunny Lanes pattern from Quilter's Cache.

I have a lovely quilt and I'm happy to have another UFQ pieced.

Linking to Put Your Foot Down,  Needle & Thread Thursday, Peacock Party, TGIFF!, Finished Or Not Friday, Off the Wall Friday, Patchwork & Quilts, Oh Scrap


  1. Gretchen… I love this block and have a passel of 2” blocks… think I’ll rain my stash! Nice to know 16 blocks made this quilt 48” too!!!

    Thanks for sharing the pattern from quilters cache!!!

  2. What a fun looking quilt. Great pattern.

  3. The secondary design really makes a great statement. Wonderful.

  4. I really like this block, and I love the quilt! So pretty with the yellow/ cheddar fabric. And the slight change in yellow just makes it sparkle! Thanks for the link too!

  5. I really like this!!!! The Cheddar/yellow gives it such Drama!!!!

  6. Another bright and cherry scrappy quilt! Hugs

  7. What a lovely quilt! It's so happy looking.

  8. Starting with that long languishing block, you then whipped up another 15 this week. Don't they look lovely, so bright and sunny.

  9. I love yellow in a quilt, it is so cheerful. What a fun and fast make! Thanks for linking to TGIFF!

  10. what a cheerful, happy quilt! Congratulations on the finish and on using all those scrap squares.

  11. Well done! I like the bright and cheerful yellows among the scrappy blocks!

  12. such a pretty scrappy and great stash buster too

  13. Your quilt is truly sunny. Great job! It's on my to-do list. Thanks for the inspiration. ;^)

  14. And those blocks are especially striking with that yellowy orange. It's such a happy quilt!

  15. Love that you could use 2" squares!!! Winter will be a perfect time to quilt this up and add some sunshine to the season!

  16. The secondary pattern is wonderful. How fun when that happens! Thank you for the link. I printed it off because I have a lot of two inch squares that need to be stitched into a useable project!

  17. Ok. So now that I see how nice it looks maybe I should get my old blocks put together!

  18. This looks amazing! The block is going on my To-Do list too! Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  19. Your Sunny Lanes pattern turned out really nice. I made that pattern very many years ago and it's a great pattern.

  20. Using similar yellow fabrics helps make the quilt sparkle. Great job.

  21. Just one block with a secondary pattern on the quilt. Looks like it will be a great Leader & Ender.
    Your filmsy is beautiful Gretchen.

  22. I really like how yours turned out in yellow - It has been on my list as well

  23. thats such a gorgeous block & the yellow really makes and impact!
