Friday, May 20, 2022

Wildflower Woods

I've started a new project . . . and it's not a blue quilt!

I don't normally sew BOM's but several years ago I ordered a fabric kit from Caroline's Cotton Cottage in Rome City, Indiana, called Wildflower Woods. Wildflower Woods is based on wetlands located in Noble County, northern Indiana, which Gene Stratton Porter wrote about and worked so hard to conserve. 

The fabrics were delayed for a long time and the kit wasn't available whenever I stopped at Caroline's. Then the pandemic happened and shut everything down. I finally made it back to Caroline's in September 2020 and picked up my kit. It has patiently waited it's turn and now it's time to start.

The kit was a BOM but I received all the monthly kits at one time. Here is the center medallion of the quilt for month one made with 4 Lady of the Lake blocks.

Month 2 has been added to the center.

The instructions suggest some broderie perse on the light triangles of the center. I did have fabric left from fussy cutting the Lady of the Lake blocks but I think I'll wait until later in the process to decide if they'll be added.

Wildflower Woods is #4 on my list of challenges for 2022.

Linking to Put Your Foot Down, Peacock Party, TGIFF!, Finished Or Not Friday, Off the Wall Friday, Patchwork & Quilts


  1. So glad you were finally able to get it! its quite pretty!

  2. Hi Gretchen! I have always wanted to make a quilt using the Lady of the Lake block, and that is such a wonderful layout for the center block. The fabrics are intriguing and those four roses in the center must have been fussy cut - the look fab. Thanks so much for linking up for TGIFF today! {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

  3. looking pretty so far........goodluck

  4. I am caught up on your posts, Gretchen. What a delightful read I had this morning. I've gotten an overview of your wonderful projects. Your stitching is beautiful and I love how you coordinate fabrics with the designs. All lovely!

  5. I like this one! Something different and I looked up the quilt - will be pretty!!!

  6. I enjoyed Gene Stratton Porter years ago and collected old copies of her books. This quilt is beautiful and the center is really lovely

  7. The center medallion is stunning! Lovely blocks, and I love the large flowers.
    Thank you for sharing this beautiful project, and linking up ;)

  8. I've never really looked at the Lady of the Lake pattern closely. This is a very intriguing setting and looks wonderful. I hope you keep posting this as you work through it.

    1. I'm planning to post each block as it's pieced. I hope to have this quilt in the flimsy stage by the end of June at the latest. I have other activities happening later this summer and there won't be a lot of time for sewing.
