Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Flower Patch Sew Along, Blocks 14 & 15

Blocks 14 and 15 of the Flower Patch Sew along mystery have been pieced. We're getting so close to the finish of this sew along!

Block 14 is another of the flower blocks, I used the same variation for this block as I did for block 11.

Block 15 is a lovely cardinal, a repeat of other blocks.

And a photo of all the blocks pieced currently pieced. The top 3 rows are sewn together, the 4th row is waiting for the next block. I have rearranged the blocks that are repeats so that they wouldn't be next to a same fabric.

Block 16 is published today, I wish Denise was releasing the border also. I'm ready to finish this flimsy and get it quilted!

I'm going to a quilt retreat next week, the border would be a good project to work on. I assume the border will be a flying geese border since Denise loves flying geese!

Linking to To Do Tuesday, Flower Patch SAL MysteryMidweek Makers, Wednesday Wait Loss, Put Your Foot Down, Stitch Sew & Show,  Needle & Thread Thursday 


  1. Your Flower Patch SAL blocks are just gorgeous! I love the layout you've got going. Hope you get to work on the border at your retreat - have fun!
    Thanks for sharing with To Do Tuesday!

  2. this quilt top has been interesting to see it grow - I love the cardinals.

  3. Your Flower Patch is turning out wonderfully. I've never done a sew along, if you can believe that. Hope spring gets there soon. It comes here but then winter shows itself for another day or so. We're hoping its behind us after the last couple of nights near freezing.

    1. I don't usually participate in mystery quilts but since these blocks finish at 16", I knew I wouldn't be sewing forever on the blocks. Spring is crazy this year, snow on Monday with a high of 34. Sunday it's going to be in the low 80's!

  4. I love watching this quilt come to life!!! It is so cool! Excited for the last block and the border too!

  5. Dear Gretchen,
    It is a wonderful project for a quilt retreat. Love the cardinals, with spring here they are singing their hearts out. The females are ignoring them, we had four male cardinals in two trees across from each other where they were having a sing off, to see who could get te females attention.

    1. I saw 2 males hopping around in the pasture several weeks ago, The female in the bush just ignored both of them. Reminded me of high school!

  6. Such a lovely quilt, no wonder you are anxious to get it together! Love the choices you've made along the way. Thanks for sharing this on Wednesday Wait Loss.

  7. This is one gorgeous quilt - love the design and color choices!

  8. You have another exceptionally beautiful quilt Gretchen!!!! I would love to make it but you know me and PP! What a beauty! Hugs

  9. So pretty, can't wait to see the finish. When you get a moment would you email me your address?
