Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Desert Botanical Garden

This is my last post about my trip to Arizona. My favorite thing about Phoenix was all the sunshine.

Spring is coming slowly to northern Indiana this year. The grass has greened up but it's not growing. The crocus were blooming when I returned home and the daffodils have started blooming. And, sometimes, the sun actually shines! I really needed this trip to get some warmth and sunshine to make it through the end of winter.

One day we visited the Desert Botanical Garden in Tempe. It was interesting to see the changes from when I was there in December. I only have 5 pictures to show you but they're interesting, at least to me they were.

The cactus and other plants were blooming! I don't know their names but I enjoyed the flowers. Look at those sharp thorns!

The Chihuly glass sculptures were still on display. You can see some of them in the pictures.

The garden has a butterfly display in March. We were able to see a variety of butterflies. The main butterfly we saw were the zebra butterflies and they do look zebras!

There were several other varieties also but I didn't get pictures of those, sorry.

Didn't it look sunny and warm in all the above pictures? Here is what it looked like yesterday morning at dawn here in Indiana.

And then at 10 am.
Linking to 
To Do Tuesday


  1. the botanical gardens in Arizona are beautiful and there is a great one in the Tuscon area also I believe well worth the visits but on hot days! no thank you. We went to one and the day was nice and pleasant then all of a sudden it got hot and wiped me out

  2. I enjoyed the Desert Botanical Garden the one time we were there. Thank you thank you for sharing the Zebra butterflies! I have never seen them! I did not even know they existed! Wow,!

  3. Those are beautiful photos! I've never seen a zebra butterfly. I'm so glad you got to experience some warmth during your Indiana winter. My husband had a business trip in Tucson many years ago, and I got to enjoy the sights of the desert. I wouldn't want to live there, but it's fun to visit.
    Thank you for sharing with To Do Tuesday!

  4. Such beautiful photos, Gretchen. I am always fascinated by the flora and fauna of the desert. Wow snow in April. Hopefully warm weather will be on the way to your area soon.

    1. It is supposed to be in the 70's next Sunday. I don't like too fast of a warmup though, that usually means tornadoes!

  5. Thanks for sharing those beautiful Picture.
    Oh my!! There is a lot of snow where you live. Hope Spring days arrives soon.

  6. Dear Gretchen,
    The cacti is amazing how they grow and flower, some only flower for a day. Pretty impressive when you get to see them in bloom, others bloom for longer. Winter needs to leave, we had more snow up here in Canada. Yesterday’s snow was not even predicted by the weather man. From Friday we are expecting warmer temperatures.

  7. When the latest surprise of snow was about to arrive at home we headed SE next to tornado alley to visit. Warming at home now, but are now headed to sister's house for a few days, NM.

  8. Adding to my stash along the way!

  9. Love those Chihuly glass sculptures. We saw them on display at Kew Gardens, London. Really spectacular. Not a Zebra Butterfly in sight though! Spring has sprung here in the south of the UK. Bluebells are replacing daffodils and tulips and many trees are beginning to show a haze of bright green leaves. I hope your Winter is soon well and truly over and you can enjoy all the new growth that comes with Spring.
