Sunday, March 20, 2022

Welsh Beauty

In December I posted about a list of challenges I had made to myself. One of those challenges was to have hand quilted to the center of Welsh Beauty by the end of May. I've met that challenge 2 months early! I'm halfway finished with Welsh Beauty!

Here are the photos from left to right.

The above of the very center of the quilt, isn't this a lovely motif?

Halfway finished! This is an awesome feeling!

Here is a link to my first post about Welsh Beauty. It gives you information about Welsh Beauty, the thread and batting that are used in the quilting of this quilt.

I won't be having a Sunday post next Sunday. Later this week, I'm flying to Phoenix for a visit with our daughter before their summer heat sets in. It's in the 80's out there now which will be a welcome change from chilly mud season here in northern Indiana.


  1. Congratulations on overcoming the challenge so far, Gretchen. It is gorgeous.
    Have a great travel and enjoy your time in Phoenix.

  2. We are in the season of mud here too…I could do with a trip to someplace warm right now as well. Enjoy your time with your daughter.
    As always, your quilting is exquisite! Congrats on reaching the halfway point ahead of schedule!

  3. That is beautiful. Congratulations on meeting your goal early!

  4. How lovely! And ahead of schedule as well - congratulations! Enjoy your trip.

  5. I think this is the perfect time of year to be in Arizona! My sister visits her son in Mesa so often in the middle of summer I think she is crazy as it is so hot then - I think she has it in her head that her vacation needs to be in summer - but she isn't the type that likes to wander much and just likes to sit by the pool - I'm not sure if she has ever been to the interesting sights in the area - they like to eat out, have margarita's and sit by the pool - I'm total opposite

    1. I doubt we'll b sitting by a pool anytime this visit. We'll be visiting Flagstaff, Gilbert and taking in a quilt show in Mesa! When we are in Phoenix, there will be long walks along the canal. I want to soak up all the warmth and sun I can!

  6. Oh my, you have made amazing progress and your quilting is so beautiful. Enjoy your trip to visit your daughter.

  7. Just lovely. Yes, that motif is gorgeous. I am so impressed by your hand quilting. :)

  8. They are lovely motifs you are quilting! Enjoy your trip to your daughter.

  9. That is a LOT of crosshatching! It looks fabulous!
    Enjoy your trip!

  10. Congrats on reaching your goal earlier than expected and have fun at your daughter’s home… soak up that warmth and sunshine!!!

  11. Gretchen, I live in Tucson and the weather has been great for the last week or so. We're expecting rain today, but back in the 70s tomorrow. Enjoy your visit. Thank you for sharing your amazing project! I love the texture. I do have a question for you about your quilting style. You end your stitching at the same spot/distance all the way across your quilt. Is this something you've done before and have you had any trouble with it creating a crease in the finished product? I have a whole cloth quilt I hope to start soon and I'm curious about your technique.

    1. I haven't had any problems with a crease in the quilt. It does look a little puckery at the top edge but when I quilt the next swath, it smooths out. For the swags on the sides, I do vary the placement of where I start by an inch or less. I look forward to seeing your whole cloth quilt, happy stitching!

  12. Congratulations on finishing your goal easily. Have a great visit with your daughter, sounds like fun!

  13. Your quilting is amazing, Gretchen! This will definitely be a beauty. Enjoy your trip to Arizona - this is the perfect time to go!

  14. Congratulations on meeting your goal early, Gretchen. This quilt is a beauty. Have a fun and safe trip to AZ. Happy quilting.

  15. Such lovely quilting! Have a beautiful trip. I don’t know much about the timetable of their seasons, but I hope interesting things will be blooming for you to enjoy with your daughter.

  16. I've always enjoyed seeing your quilting progress on this gorgeous quilt, congratulations on reaching the half way point. Have a lovely trip and visit with your family.

  17. The quilting is really gorgeous! I didn't realize you were doing all of that by hand! enjoy your trip to see your daughter.

  18. What a fantastic achievement! Meeting and surpassing your goal so quickly must surely feel good! Of course, it goes w/o saying that it’s beautiful! Love watching your (fast) progress!

  19. Half finished, that is just amazing, and it looks fantastic! Enjoy the warmth of AZ!

  20. Gretchen, you quilting is fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!
    I LOVE seeing your progress - so inspiring! Thank you for sharing!

  21. This is so beautiful, Gretchen! I love following your blog!
