Friday, March 18, 2022


For the 2022 RSC challenge, I had decided in January that I was going to make 6" finished sawtooth stars as a way to enlarge my Star Dance quilt. I made stars for that purpose in January and February.

I pulled yellow and orange fabrics to make the stars for March, then I thought, are these stars going to look right? I thought I knew the size of the finished stars in the quilt center, 5", but decided I had better measure to be sure.

Guess what! They finish at 4"! When I randomly displayed the stars beside the center, they did not look right, the 6" stars overwhelmed the little stars. The sawtooth stars have been bagged and put aside for another day, possibly a future RSC project but not this year.

When Star Dance came out of the closet, I found a note pinned onto the side, it said to make 4.5" finished shoofly blocks. That size will work so I prepped fabric and sewed the shooflies, 28 of them! I'll go back and make red and teal blocks sometime.

This quilt is very picky about how she is finished!

The pattern for Star Dance is located here. My Star Dance is not made exactly like the pattern design.

Linking to Put Your Foot Down, Needle & Thread Thursday, Peacock Party, TGIFF!, Finished Or Not Friday, Off the Wall Friday, Patchwork & Quilts, Scrap Happy Saturday, Oh Scrap.


  1. those well be pretty to go around the quilt to make it larger

  2. You know, we each have to do our own thing to quilts we make. They are unique. Your quilt definitely knows what she wants!

  3. I had to laugh about the note on the quilt. Keryn and I have taken to writing our plans down or we forget, and then make completely new decisions. And then half way through you think "Hang on, wasn't I going to...?"
    The shoofly blocks will be very cute as a border.

  4. Looking forward to seeing this one finished. It will be wonderful!

  5. The shoofly blocks will work very well on the borders of this beautiful quilt.

  6. Your yellow shoofly blocks are lovely, and I'm sure they will add the prefect border you are looking for your quilt. I loooove your Star Dance quilt!!
    Thank you for sharing and linking up ;)

  7. Those pretty shoofly blocks will make a great border! And now you have the stars for something new. I'm glad you figured out what the quilt wanted!

  8. The little shoo-fly blocks will be the perfect addition to your beautiful quilt!

  9. Always tricky to come back to a project and remember how it was all supposed to fit together. I am sure those blocks will find a home somewhere though. The quilt is looking great! Good luck getting it finished up.

  10. Hey Gretchen... glad you pulled that quilt top out of the closet and found your note.... and remeasured the sewn stars in the quilt too!
    I love your sawtooth stars... they will find a home or you can add more for a future quilt... I really like the churn dashes though! And your star dance quilt is gorgeous from the one quarter you showed!
    Hope you have had a wonderful week :)

  11. The Shoofly blocks are looking very pretty. They will make a gorgeous border.and you have a packet of Sawtooth Stars ready to start another RSC quilt too. Win win.

  12. That's a pretty quilt indeed, what you have done so fst with the applique borders. Another row of blocks will finish it off nicely I deed.

  13. It's a good thing you checked this early in the game. Your decision is the right one though. The little shoo-fly will look much better. ;^)

  14. I think the Shoo Fly blocks will really add to the quilt - compliments the stars. Your Star Dance is very pretty - love the border of applique! Hugs

  15. I think your instinct was good - the Shoo Fly blocks will be perfect. And the stars will work for some other project just as perfectly.

  16. The quilt wants what it wants! Good thinking to pin a note to the top, I should remember to do that!

  17. This quilt is going to be so pretty when it is finished. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  18. Those YELLOW/GOLD Shoo Fly blocks look like they are going to work SEW much better with your Star Dance quilt, Gretchen!

  19. Those are so cute, they will look great as a border!

  20. I love them and you are right, the large stars are a little overwhelming for the small stars. The floral border is gorgeous. Excited to see both finished. Thank you for linking up to Put your foot down.
