Sunday, January 2, 2022

Welsh Beauty

I had quilted more than half of a swath across Welsh Beauty before I left for Phoenix.

First I quilted the center just because I could. Each roll of the quilt shows more and more of the center design.

Then I quilted the right side.

After returning home, the left side was quilted.

It was nice to have a two week break from quilting, but now I'm back at the hand quilting again!

This is a queen sized quilt with lots of quilting. The sides of the  crosshatching squares are 3/4". As I said in Friday's post, I'm hoping to be halfway finished with the quilting by May.


  1. You have been busy since you returned from your trip. I love watching your progress.

  2. Your progress has been amazing since you got home as well as what you hadn’t shared before you left…. Thanks for sharing your progress here at Kathy’s! Hope you are your daughter and hubby are continuing to enjoy time as a family Gretchen !

  3. So exciting to be working on the centre of the quilt! Just beautiful!

  4. All of your work is definitely showing - this is beautiful! ~Jeanne

  5. It looks great - I love the design on this one - I keep saying I will purchase a whole cloth top to quilt and never do as I have so many waiting to be quilted as it is

  6. I read your last post with great interest because of course, I'm intrigued by your quilting plans. I took a look at the Wildflowers quilt and really like it. I struggle to say which fabrics are my favourite as I tend to love them all. Thank you for sharing your beautiful quilting; it is always a pleasure to visit you. A very healthy Happy New Year to you Gretchen!

  7. Great progress on Welsh Beauty and I am always awed by your beautiful quilting!

  8. Your quilting is gorgeous. It is nice to take a break and get refreshed. Enjoy getting back to this beauty.

  9. I love watching your quilts come to life stitch by stitch as you quilt them! Just beautiful. Happy New Year and Happy Stitching!

  10. Love seeing this quilt progress and come to life....

  11. I will never be tired of seeing and admiring this work of art, Gretchen.
    Happy New Year!!

  12. What a gorgeous project. Your quilting is lovely! Happy New Year!

  13. Every time we get to see this quilt, it looks better and better! Lovely quilting!

  14. It's looking more and more beautiful.

  15. Your quilting is looking fabulous Gretchen, your stitches are so even and lovely. I wish I was getting as much of my wholecloth done.
    Happy New Year!
    *hugs* Tazzie
