Friday, December 31, 2021

2022 Challenges

I don't make New Year's resolutions, I make New Year challenges. Here are my quilty challenges for 2022. These are in random order and won't necessarily be pieced consecutively.

1. Writer's Block from Red, White, and Sometimes Blue.  I cut strips for this quilt three years ago but never found the time to actually sew anything. Of course my quilt is going to be blue & white, or maybe blue & cream or maybe even blue & gray. I haven't decided on the background fabric.

I don't know why it's named Writer's Block, it reminds me of a variation on the Burgoyne Surrounded quilt. I plan to add an applique border.

2. Double Delight - This is a free quilt pattern by  Bonnie Hunter. Double Delight was her 2008 mystery quilt and is found at the bottom of the free pattern page with the rest of the older mysteries that never made it into books.

I prepped the fabrics for the quilt and took all the bits and pieces along to the Jane Stickle retreat in November. Sewing on this quilt didn't happen but it's ready to go! The little 9 patches have been sewn for several years.

3. Blue Ridge Beauty - Another Bonnie Hunter pattern from her book Adventures with Leaders & Enders. This quilt will be made with blues and creams/beige.

4. Wildflower Woods - This was a BOM kit I purchased several couple years ago at Caroline's Cotton Cottage. The fabrics are civil war colors. I'm not enthused by civil war fabrics anymore but I will make this quilt anyway, it will be a nice change from all the blue quilts. The fabrics are more brighter and colorful than the photo on the website.

5. Reduce the amount of strips in the 2" box. Quilting Twin has lots of free patterns for 2" strips. I want to make at least 1 queen sized quilt top from the box and I've printed off the Snowflake and Circling the 9's patterns. 

I sorted through the box and divided the strips into two groups, white based and cream based. I had forgotten a year ago I pulled most of the autumn fabrics and made two quilts. There isn't much of those fabrics in the box anymore.

6. Every year I piece a quilt flimsy which I donate to be quilted and sold in a school quilt auction. This auction provides funds for the school my Pennsylvania grandchildren attend.

Maybe one of the quilts I piece from the 2" strip box can be used as a donation quilt for this auction.

7. RSC projects - I had decided on several different quilt blocks but changed my mind and decided to finish projects instead.

In 2018 I finished a smaller quilt called Star Dance. I want to make this flimsy larger so I'll be making sawtooth stars each month.

Dancing stars and scrappy sprouts need finishing also. Sewing blocks for a new quilt is fun but the sense of accomplishment when finishing one is so awesome!

8. Hand quilting, I would like to have Welsh Beauty halfway quilted by the end of May, more would be great but I'll settle for halfway.

9. Applique - Of course I'm continuing Hearts & Wreaths. This is a wonderful project to pick and take with me.

10. UFQ's - I have several unfinished scrappy quilts started several years ago that need to be finished. I want to finish at least one of them.

11. Fire Island Hosta Queen - Years ago I bought the pattern, last fall I bought fabric, it's time to make the quilt! This quilt is going to be a long term piecing project, it's a Quiltworx design.

12. Goose Garden - I bought this pattern years ago and pulled some fabrics. There is an alternate way to set the blocks on the backside of the pattern which I like better than the front design. This isn't a huge quilt and will be good practice for the Fire Island Hosta quilt.

13. Charity quilts - I made at least 15 charity quilts in 2021. I'm not sure how many I will piece this year but I do have 6 crib quilts to be quilted and donated.

14. Flower Patch SAL continues through the spring.

15. Get Together - This quilt is on the cover of the April 2020 issue of American Patchwork & Quilting. The magazine actually had a sew along for people to participate. Of course I didn't sew along at that time, I work at my own pace several years behind everyone else. I have made some of the 9 patch blocks and purchased blue and red fabric for borders.

There are other quilts I'd like to make but these are the main challenges for 2022. I'll try to remember to have a post at the end of December 2022 and update you on my accomplishments or lack of accomplishment.

Linking to Peacock Party, TGIFF!, Finished Or Not Friday, Off the Wall Friday, Scrap Happy Saturday, Whoop Whoop Party, Patchwork & Quilts, Oh Scrap


  1. Sure you have beautiful projects to have fun during 2022.
    Happy New Year, Gretchen!
    Happy quilting.

  2. I love your list of challenges and a bit about each one! Good luck with your list! I want to check out double delight if I find time in my schedule to empty scraps!!!

    1. I've been wanting to make Double Delight for years! Hopefully it will happen this year. I think DD would look nice with scrappy 9 patches just need to follow through with a consistent fabric for the stars or something like that. I know that you, like me, will probably be in bed by 9ish this evening. Have a happy stitching New Year!

    2. You have a great list of potential changes.
      I have 2 hand sewing projects as quilts going, plus a 46x46 quilt I hope to figure out how to do.
      I don't see as fast as you .. but I'm enjoying the journey.
      I'll look forward to seeing your projects next year

  3. YAY for you! That’s great you have made a 2022 quilty project goals list. Looks like you have a nice variety of projects to keep you busy. I have made a list of quilty goals for the new year as well, I hope it helps me keep focused on some projects I’d like to complete in 2022. It seemed to have worked pretty good for me in 2021! Happy New Year 2022 and Happy Stitching!!!

  4. I love the idea of challenges instead of resolutions. You have some beautiful quilt challenges ahead. Happy New Year! ~Jeanne

  5. I love the Gene Stratton Porter books. I bought a kindle bundle a few months ago. I had read most of her books 40-50 years ago and have a couple of ancient ones. I did not know there was a fabric line. I wonder of any of those border prints are still available somewhere.

    1. I don't know if the fabrics are still available, I'll try to remember to ask at Caroline's the next time I'm there. Happy stitching!

  6. You go, girl! Wow on each one of these quilts. I'm looking forward to seeing your progress on your challenge quilts in 2022, Gretchen. That web site with the 2" strip quilts is amazing!

  7. Ohhh thats a great challenge list!!! I really like that writers block one - can't wait to see what you do!
    and Great RSC finish!!!

  8. A lot of wonderful projects! You are going to have such fun!

  9. You've got some beautiful projects to work on. 2022 will be a good year! I always enjoy watching your hand-quilting and applique progress. Cheers!

  10. So many beautiful projects to enjoy in the new year. Best of luck getting some of those crossed off the list!

  11. Some really beautiful projects for the new year.

  12. You will have some great quilts as 2022 rolls on! I’m impressed! I’m not nearly so organized!

  13. What a great list of projects to select from this year! I love the Star Dance quilt and of course those hearts and leaves. Wishing you a productive 2022.

  14. So many gorgeous project, but I can't stop admiring Star Dance !! It's so pretty and crisp.

  15. Whew! Its wonderful to have such a list of "challenges" you want to do. I've always admired your hand quilting skills and dedication and Welsh Beauty is so lively. As well, you are an expert on the art of applique too, as the pretty wreath blocks show. Happy New Year to you and I'm sure you will achieve your challenges in 2022.

  16. Challenges are better than resolutions ;) You have plenty projets to keep you busy through the year! I'm in love with your Star Dance.
    Thank you for sharing and linking up!

  17. You have a fabulous list of challenges, Gretchen. I look forward to seeing all that you accomplish. Happy New Year.

  18. Thanks for the link to Quilted Twins. I love all those free patterns. I too have many, many quilts that I want to make. I am lucky to finish one every few years. I look forward to seeing your progress on any and all of these quilts.

  19. Wow! You certainly set some challenging challenges for yourself, Gretchen!! Enjoy your year of finishing RSC projects. Best of luck with the other items on your list, too!

  20. Great project ideas! Any one of them would be wonderful. Good luck!

  21. Thanks for the link to Quilted Twins! I have lots of 2 inch strips to use up, too. Love seeing your plans for the new year, too!

  22. Oh my gosh, Gretchen -- I'm nearly as excited about your project lineup as you must be! Writer's Block is going to look magnificent with an appliqué border. Your Hearts and Wreaths project is delightful. And I cannot wait to see your version of the Fire Island Hosta Queen from Quiltworx! Happy New Year and Happy Stitching!

  23. Sounds like you have great plans for 2022. I will definitely be watching and cheering you along.

    Thanks for linking up with Oh Scrap!

  24. Looking forward to what you and I both get done this year.

  25. Lots of great plans, thanks for linking up to TGIFF!

  26. What lovely projects! Looks like you're going to have a busy 2022.

  27. So much beauty. Thank you for sharing the eye candy!!!
