Sunday, January 9, 2022

Hearts & Wreaths

I've completed another applique block for Hearts & Wreaths!

I work on these blocks in groups of four. I embroider all the circles then hand applique the hearts. The leaves applique pretty fast which makes for a relaxing evening of handwork.

I haven't done any hand quilting since my post a week ago. We're finally having true winter here in northern Indiana, not a lot of snow but the low temperatures are in single digits at night with wind chill factor below zero.

People might not understand wind chill factor but everyone from northern states certainly does. Here is a link explaining wind chill of you're interested.

You  might wonder what wind chill has to do with me not quilting. As soon as it gets that cold out, I get cracks in my fingers, cracks in fingers mean no hand quilting. I've super glued the cracks, hopefully they'll clear up soon and I can hand quilt again.

Here is an informative link to my first post about Hearts & Wreaths.

Linking to Kathys Slow Stitching Sunday, Oh Scrap, Show & Tell Monday, Monday Making, Handmade Monday, Design Wall Monday, BOM's Away


  1. This block is my favority so far.
    Sorry to hear about the bad weather and cracked fingers. I really don't like winter. This is not fun. Take care and stay warm.

  2. are you outside a lot in the winter that your hands get the cracks or is it that you keep your house cold? I don't care for the cold days of winter but we are much warmer than you normally are - love your applique

  3. I love your Hearts and Wreaths blocks--so pretty!

  4. Cracked hands sound so painful! I hope they're better soon. We've got the same kind of weather here in Wisconsin.

  5. Cracked fingers are no fun at all, I hope yours heal quickly! The scrappy wreaths are beautiful.

  6. Ouch! The colors in your pretty block are happy.

  7. I have a very thin dressing that I use and I put it over my finger cracks ........its it very thing an I can still much better then a bandaid........but dam it cracks are so sore at times........good luck.........beautiful wreath.......

  8. I lived in Montana for several years, so wind chill is no stranger to me. The only product that allowed me to hand stitch was No Crack. It used to be sold at Restoration Hardware. Now that they're defunct, the only place I've found it is on Amazon. They have a small tub of lightly scented, a lavender and a 1 pound tub of unscented. I stick to the unscented for DH's sake, but you might sample the 4 oz tub of lightly scented to see if it helps. Not cheap, but a girl's gotta stitch!! I live in it, even here in CA, in the winter. Your blocks are just beautiful! I wouldn't want to pause working on them.

    1. You can also buy the No Crack cream at Duluth Trading Co.

  9. Gosh, if the wind chill factor was like that here my fingers would fall off! Much too chilly for me. Another gorgeous Hearts and Wreaths block. All your gorgeous blocks together are going to make an exquisite quilt.

  10. Such a beautiful block! I deal with cracked fingers all winter. I used to use super glue but have gone back to new skin. I started to have a bad reaction to the super glue.

  11. I'm so sorry your fingers are cracked and cutting into your quilting time. Hopefully they will heal soon. Your block is gorgeous.

  12. What beautiful applique! Hope you get back to stitching real soon!!

  13. Winter-dry skin can be so painful. Here in northeasternmost Illinois we know about windchill but my husband recalls all to well driving on I-94 in North Dakota in a windchill of -80. Back to quilting: your wreath with its multicolor leaves is so cheerful!

  14. oh such a lovely block...i've dreamed of doing this pattern for a very long while...and this new england gal understands wind chill!

  15. You have such wonderful hand working skills. I love your applique and your hand quilting. Hope your fingers heal quickly.

  16. Your wreaths, your quilting is beautiful! Have you tried New Skin? It's a good product. Also a LeLeche League specialist suggested for me to try a lanolin product found in the baby area. Both have helped me.

  17. This is such a pretty block. Each time it just makes me smile. Lovely job on the hand work.

  18. The weather people talk about wi d chill here, but our winters are so mild compared to yours that the difference is usually only a few degrees. It must barely cold when it affects your skin so badly. Such another pretty wreath block this is a delightful design.

  19. What a beautiful block. I'm really admire you folks who can do applique. I keep trying to talk myself into trying it.

  20. I'm also from the midwest and understand wind chill.. it's real! Your wreath stopped me in my tracks, so pretty!. My fingers haven't had cracks since I started using O'Keeffe's Working Hands. I only use it on my fingers and knuckles.. readily available.

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  22. This is so pretty! Glad your fingers have healed up. I really get it about the super glue! Colorado is brutally dry all the time - so much so on a regular basis 7-9 months out of the year, we spent a lot of money getting a steam-something whole-house humidifier installed. It does add to the water bill, but oh, how glorious to not have cracked-open skin all the time. Back to quilts -lol- It's going to be so pretty seeing the whole quilt this block will go into one day.
