Friday, December 10, 2021

Indian Hatchet

Sunday morning of the retreat, I pulled my Indian hatchet project (after I had finished orange sherbet) formerly known as nameless quilt. I've accumulated quite a few cut off triangles over the last several years. It was time to make more blocks.

The little blocks have been trimmed to 2.5". Next thing is to sew them into larger blocks. I really don't know when that is going to happen. 

I don't know how large this quilt will become. My original idea had been to make the blocks into a charity quilt but I'm liking this hodgepodge of triangles. I may just keep it for myself.

Just to keep you informed, I'm leaving tomorrow and flying to Phoenix for several weeks. I have posts set to publish but I won't be linking up anywhere. If you want to read my posts, you'll either have to subscribe or actively look for my blog.

Linking to Put Your Foot Down,Peacock Party, Whoop Whoop Party, TGIFF!, Finished Or Not Friday, Off the Wall Friday, Brag About Your Beauties 


  1. I love how you made use of your cut off triangles!!!!
    Have fun in Arizona :)

  2. What a great use of all your scraps - and it will make such a great memory quilt.
    Enjoy AZ!!

  3. That is quite a pile of blocks to be trimmed... congrats on finishing that up. Sewing them together will be so much fun! xo
    PS: Hope you can stay in Phoenix till the QuiltCon exhibition time...

    1. I'm flying back to Indiana on Christmas Day, my daughter is flying back with me for a short visit with the rest of the family. Happy Christmas!

  4. Who hoo! Can’t wait to see what these hatchet blocks become! Enjoy your time in Phoenix!

  5. Nameless quilt is so cool. Great use of those triangles.
    Have fun in Phoenix and enjoy your trip, Gretchen!

  6. Have a great holiday. I sewed all my triangles( make that most) into 1/2 squares for " future projects" .
    Stay safe and sew on !

  7. Have a great time away. I'm sure you have packed plenty of hand work to keep you busy. Safe travels.

  8. Talk about not wasting any scraps. Wow! Good for you. Love the orange sherbet quilt, too!

  9. I love how it is looking (I peeked at the previous 'nameless' posts) - I also have a lot of small triangles and last year made a quilt using just one triangle per square, so I am keen to have a go at this with two triangles on opposite corners.

  10. So much potential in your cheerful little triangles, Gretchen! Thanks for linking up with me for TGIFF and have a WONDERFUL time in Phoenix!
