Friday, October 15, 2021

Lady Jane, the Finish

I purchased the floral fabric specifically for the border. I had a challenging time cutting it accurately so I could match the design.

The border is attached but it's not the best match job I've ever done but it's finished! I added an outside darker blue border, it really makes the floral fabric sing.

I will probably hand quilt this quilt sometime and gift it to one of the grandchildren. Right now the flimsy measures 90" by 99".

The border fabric is from the Tea Service 2 fabric collection from Connecting Threads. The rest of the fabrics in the quilt came from my stash.

The pattern for Lady Jane is found here.

Linking to Put Your Foot DownNeedle & Thread Thursday, Peacock Party, Whoop Whoop Party, TGIFF!, Finished Or Not Friday, Off the Wall Friday, Brag About Your Beauties, Oh Scrap


  1. Gorgeous!! Your applique and piecing are all beautiful, and the floral border sets it off perfectly!

  2. Lady Jane is beautiful!!! Great job Gretchen!!!

  3. gorgeous! I have trouble when trying to match prints in the corners too - and really who is going to inspect it - I very much doubt grandchildren will unless one is a quilter!

    1. It wasn't the corners that gave me problems, it was piecing the strips for the border so you couldn't tell the border was pieced.

  4. So so pretty! Fantastic job! A treasure for sure!

  5. This is beautiful! It's hard to believe that it will be even more gorgeous when quilted. One of the grandchildren will treasure it.~Jeanne

  6. What a lovely finish! This is going to be a fun quilt to hand quilt. What a lucky grandchild to receive this someday. The alternating light squares are so soft and perfect for the pieced blocks.

  7. It is shining in this photo but it's one of those quilts I would so love to see in person! What a job you did with this one, Gretchen.

  8. Lovely finish on this--I do love that floral border--just perfectly encloses the center...nice work hugs, Julierose

  9. Such a Beautiful finish!!! Everything goes together just perfectly!!!

  10. It's stunning. I hope you enjoy the quilting process!

  11. Another of your beautiful finishes, I always like the combination of applique and pieced blocks. Do any of your family quilt as well?

    1. Thank you, my mother was a quilter also. My oldest sister has made quilts but she doesn't have the disease like I do.

  12. Gorgeous applique motif for the center and lovely blues. Great job!

  13. This is another beautiful piece of work by you. It is really lovely.

  14. It is gorgeous! The grandchild who receives this special gift will treasure it forever.

  15. What a delightful quilt. I like how you took the pattern and made it your own.

  16. I love how crisp the blue and white looks. It's gorgeous.

  17. It's so beautiful! I agree that the solid borders really make the floral border stand out even more :)

  18. Oh, beautiful! This quilt just sings. I know you notice imperfections but it looks perfect to me.

  19. Wow! One would think that you purchased those fabrics specifically for this project! What a wonderful use of your stash!! Lady Jane is beautiful1

  20. LUCKY Grandchild, hope they really appreciate the work you will have put into this.

  21. beautifully done - every bit of it. Great job choosing harmonious shades and prints of blue. A beautiful balance of pieced and applique and a smashing job on that border - the corners are lovely and was surprised when you noted in a reply that you had pieced the border. You should be proud of this flimsy!!

  22. Beautiful indeed!!! The small imperfections (that only you can see) make her even more perfect!!!

  23. The applique alone solicited a gasp from me -- it's beautiful!
