Sunday, September 12, 2021

Welsh Beauty

The quilting has started on Welsh Beauty. I actually started the quilting in August but I took my time. My goal was to get the bottom crosshatching quilted up to the swag and feathers.

The quilting from the left to the right

There is slight puckering at the top of the cross hatching. That will quilt out when I quilt the feathers and swag. 

There are 6 or 7 swags on the bottom of the quilt, I'm showing you one section since they all look the same!

I know last week I said I was going to use a thread called parchment for the swag, feathers and flowers but I changed my mind. I looked at the thread and looked at the quilt . . . it just needed more color so I'm using the same variegated blue #12 Sulky thread that I quilted the cable and feathers on Blue Stars. The thread isn't overly bright but will add some variety. Since the marking on the quilt is blue, the colored thread doesn't show well right now. You'll have to wait until the quilt is completely finished and washed to see hot it looks.

This picture shows the quilting before I roll the edge under.

Blogger is messing with me, for some reason it won't let me eliminate that space above the side photo!

The edge of the quilt is rolled. You can see the blue quilting design on the whole cloth. The swag and feathers should quilt faster than the cross hatching, at least I think it will.

I'm not going to report on the quilting every week, I plan to alternate between Welsh Beauty and Hearts & Wreaths.

Just a side note - Here's a link to the Michiana Mennonite Relief Sale website.

Here's a link to the Quilt Auction. You will be able to view all the quilts in the auction so far. You will be able to bid online during the live auction this year. The sale is Saturday, September 25.

Linking to Patchwork & Quilts, Kathy's Slow Sunday Stitching,  Oh Scrap, Show & Tell Monday, Monday Making, Handmade Monday, Design Wall Monday, BOM's Away


  1. love the quilting - I must get one of these as I have said for years I wanted one and never got one - did you order from the stencil company

    1. As I said in my post, I purchased this whole cloth from Chris Forster who purchased it from a store. I give links in the post to the Stencil Company who sells the same whole cloth quilt among several others.

  2. Fabulous texture is appearing already! I wondered if the first few inches of hand quilting are harder than once you get going and have rolled the quilt?

    1. Yes, quilting the bottom strip is always quilts harder. I've quilted a little since I've rolled and it is much easier. I don't know the technical terms to use but it's that way for every quilt. I always worry the whole quilt will stitch hard but then it's easier. Have a wonderful week!

  3. You are creating some beautiful texture. It must be easier to quilt a whole cloth quilt since there are no seams to sew through.

  4. You've made wonderful progress. This is going to be so beautiful.

  5. I always love seeing your beautiful quilting! Hope you have a great week!

  6. Ooooh, what a lovely start! I love your grid design, and I'm sure this blue thread will show wonderfully.
    Thank you for sharing, and linking up today ;)

  7. Welsh Beauty has just been started and is already looking amazing! I love how you work on these big projects, they would be so daunting to most of us.

  8. How sublime your quilting is, Gretchen. I can just imagine the texture all that lovely quilting gives to the quilt. I cannot wait to see the progress of Welsh Beauty. A whole cloth quilt filled with your amazing quilting will be a delight to see each time.

  9. Oh mu Gosh, this will be a masterpiece. Your quilting is fantastic, Gretchen.

  10. Blogger messes with me also. Excellent start to Welsh Beauty. Love quilted swags. Quilt tension on the frame is perfect. Enjoy the process.

  11. Your quilting is looking so beautiful,Gretchen. You have made a lot of progress. I look forward to seeing this quilt progress. As you work on it, I will be interested to know what quilting design is your favorite to quilt on this piece. Have a great week and happy quilting.

    1. I already know that I'm going to like the swag, feathers and flowers better than the background cross hatching just because that has color. I haven't made a lot of progress, this is a big quilt! I normally try to have my quilting project finished by the end of spring because summer is so busy for me. I don't know if that will happen with this quilt, I'll just have to wait and see how it goes.

  12. Well, you do love hand quilting!! Those are beautiful projects as is your hand quilting skills. My hands dont have the strength for good hand quilting anymore, but it sure was a relaxing time when I did it. I have all the hoops. I've gone to Michiana Menonite Shop many times. We bought bolts of ulpholstery ends for school bags. Our church made them for all 2nd graders in the county every year. I live about an hour from there.

  13. OMG .... another beautiful quilt to follow your progress! You do such incredible hand quilting!

  14. You do beautiful quilting! This quilt is going to be so gorgeous! I look forward to watching it come to life. Have a great week. Hugs,

  15. I am in complete awe of your beautiful quilting Gretchen.

  16. Oy my goodness, Gretchen! I am totally in awe of your undertaking with hand quilting a whole cloth quilt! I can't imagine the hours that will be in the project! Your pattern and hand quilting is beautiful!

  17. Hi Gretchen, I looked at all of the quilts for sale in the auction. Thanks for the link - it was like going to a quilt show! I am sure your beautiful quilt will raise a lot of money for a good cause. I am always enjoying your hand quilting progress pictures. Do you set aside a certain time each day to do your hand quitting? Hugs, Judy

    1. Right now hand quilting is rather hit and miss. Once the outside work is done, I'll get into a rhythm of quilting. I'm enjoying appliqueing Hearts & Wreaths so that's taking time away from hand quilting. I refuse to feel guilty about it!

  18. Such a labor of love. I am impressed!!!
