Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Auction Quilts

For several years I've been donating quilt tops for the school auction my Pennsylvania grandchildren attend. They are hand quilted and sold in the quilt auction.

The last auction was held Saturday, August 28 and two of my log cabin quilt variations were sold. These two quilt tops were pieced in 2019. No auction was held in 2020.

The first quilt I called Scrappy Log Cabin. It measured 92" by 105" and sold for $900.

And a picture of the finished quilt, compliments of the Country Fest Catalog. The hand quilting was basic stitch in the ditch.

Quilt 2 - I called this quilt Log Cabin Star. After quilting it measured 97" by 107" and sold for $1000 in the auction.

And a picture of the finished quilt, compliments of the Country Fest catalog. I couldn't make the photo any larger than this. I think the quilting is more than stitch in the ditch but I can't tell for sure. Hopefully you'll be able to click and large the photo.

This 3rd quilt was pieced at the same time and sent west in 2020 to be quilted and donated to a family who lost their home to the wildfires. It's the same as quilt 1 but without the center star.

All three of these quilts were made with strips from the 1.5" box box. You can read about these quilts and others made in 2019 from the 1.5" box.

Here is a link to view other quilts sold in the quilt auction. They don't have all the quilts that were sold in the auction pictured, I don't know why.

Our daughter is visiting now. We're keeping her busy doing odds and ends on the farm website and my blog. After she did some research, she decided to go with Mail Chimp for the subscription link on my blog. It's at the top right hand side. You can sign up for post deliveries by email again!

I have been informed by several followers that they continued to receive their posts by email all along. One person said they received my posts in their email through Google. Another person commented that feedburner was Google. Whatever, however, if you're already receiving the posts by email, don't sign up again, you don't need double delivery. If you want to subscribe, then sign up.

I wonder what the next blogging challenge is going to be?

Linking to To Do TuesdayMidweek Makers, Stitch Sew & Show Wednesday Wait Loss, Put Your Foot Down, Needle & Thread Thursday


  1. Gorgeous quilts, Gretchen! Congratulations on your talent and generosity.!!!

  2. You must be pleased your quilts contributed to the school funds. I do love a nice Log Cabin and yours are beautiful.

  3. those are great quilts glad they raise a good amount of money - some places do not do it right and raise such a little it is insulting to the quilter

  4. Fabulous log cabin quilts! Great job by you and the fundraiser!

  5. Oh those are beautiful quilts! What a great amount of money they raised. I am very impressed with your use of 1-1/2 inch strips from that huge box filled with them. Kudos!
    Thanks for linking your post with To Do Tuesday!

  6. Congratulations on your success at the auction - wow! What a gift to your grandchildren's school!

    And what a comfort for the family receiving your quilt after the wildfires. You are so generous with your time and effort, Gretchen.

  7. Beautiful log cabin quilts, and you must be thrilled with the amount raised for the school.

  8. PS, wo dering about your gorgeous blue and yellow quilt which you donated, did that get so.d in the suction too?

  9. Awesome quilts. You are so generous with your time, fabric and talent. Glad to see it brought in a good amount of money. My favourite is the first one but all three are wonderful. Thanks for sharing with us. Thanks for the link too. ;^)

  10. Such lovely quilts! Nice of you to donate them, and oh so wonderful that they went for their actual value! Thank you so much for sharing this on Wednesday Wait Loss.

  11. WOW! Those quilts are beautiful, but they should have gone for a lot more!

    1. I was thankful they went for as much as they did. The quilts did bring some higher prices this year, probably since there was no auction last year. The piecing the quilts went pretty fast, it's the hand quilting that takes so long. I was thankful I didn't have to hand quilt them.

  12. Oh, Gretchen, your quilts are stunning and what a generous person you are to donate them to auction, but what a worthy cause. I am sure it warms your heart. You are an amazing quilter and person. I always look forward to seeing your post. I can not tell you how much you have inspired me. Keep up the fabulous work, my dear. Hugs

    1. I don't see my PA grandchildren very often so it's nice I can help with the auction. I'm glad to donate quilt tops. I just spent a week visiting them, the oldest 3 are all now taller than me! I'm 5'8" so they're getting tall!

  13. Thank you so much for your skills and donations to good causes! The log cabins are beautiful . Stay safe and sew on !

  14. It's a big effort to piece and then hand quilt all those quilts ....I hope you are happy with the money raised....... Very kind of you. The quilts are all beautiful....

  15. They are all beautiful, Gretchen, and I love the fall colors and how each one is a little different. Just fabulous!
