Friday, June 18, 2021

What Else?

When I'm piecing blocks I run an ender through the sewing machine so I don't have to cut my thread. Lately I've used a variety of leader/enders.

I have a lot of older fabrics cut into 2.5" squares. After I pieced a red jumbo granny square, I decided to piece more blocks using the older fabrics. I've pieced 4 more blocks.

A total of 12 blocks are needed to make a quilt approximately 60" by 80". I'll be making more of these blocks as the summer progresses. I certainly have plenty of older fabrics to use.

In March I posted about piecing blue split 9 patch blocks. I had enough HST's on hand to piece 50 blocks. I need a total of 224 blocks so I need to piece 174 more blocks. Which means I need 348 more HST's. I am really glad I decided to use a solid square for the center of my blocks, otherwise I'd need even more HST's!

If I only need a few HST's, I use a half and quarter ruler. This is what I'm using to make the HST's for the Lady Jane blocks. My ruler is a Fons & Porter ruler. 

When I need a large volume of HST (348 is a large amount to me) I use Thangles. Now I have all the HST's sewn, I just need to get them cut apart and pressed.

When I was washing the breakfast dishes the other day, I glanced out my kitchen window and saw Mabel slowly meandering her way up the driveway!

The farmer usually takes a nap after breakfast, his nap was cut short that day. I took some pictures of Mabel in my yard, the cows in the background look rather jealous and were wondering how she got out.

I was thankful the other cattle hadn't found the not quite shut gate that Mabel had found. One cow in the yard isn't bad but the whole herd running around can really tear up a yard. Trust me, it's happened before.

Linking to Put Your Foot Down, Peacock Party, Whoop Whoop PartyTGIFF!, Finished Or Not Friday, Off the Wall FridayUFO Busting


  1. Mabel is gorgeous. What a surprise that morning!

    It's amazing how quickly leaders/enders come together. Look at those blocks!

  2. A great use for your Leaders and Enders. This is going to be wonderful!

  3. I love your granny square blocks!

  4. Those blocks look great .... a good leader/ender. Mabel caused a bit of excitement because the grass was greener on this side of the fence. Can't blame her for wanting to wander.

  5. Mabel is beautiful - and she was just quietly strolling along to see where the grass was greener - haha! What abeauty - I love those blocks you are working on - they will make a great quilt!!!

  6. Love the jumbo Granny Square blocks. Hello to Mabel.

  7. To a suburban girl, Mabel looks a lovely addition to your yard, hello Mabel. But I'm sure those big feet cause a lot of damage to lawns.

  8. I got a great kick out of Mabel's impromptu visit! As fot HSTs in bulk -- I agree with you about Thangles (or other 'triangle paper'). Makes the job so much easier!

  9. Oh Mabel!!! LOL. Love your blocks, they have such a vintage feel.

  10. That is a great looking Guernsey! Your granny square blocks are wonderful!

  11. I love your granny square blocks and your patch blocks too! Mabel seems to enjoy her stroll to fresh grass…. Glad too the other cattle didn’t follow!!! Lol
    Hope your week is going well!

  12. I like leader/ender projects too! Kind of a freebie;-)

  13. Poor Mabel, she just wanted to say hello. Your granny square blocks are lovely, thank you for sharing to Put your foot down.

  14. Mable is a looker. And you lead such an exciting life!!!

  15. granny squares are looking good.......
    Its amazing how much a cow or sheep can eat so fast and the plod holes in the lawn if it's damp are so annoying.......
