Saturday, June 19, 2021

Jumbo Granny Squares & 16 Patch Blocks

The final two projects being made with 2.5" strips and squares are Jumbo Granny Squares and 16 patch blocks.

Most of the jumbo granny square blocks I've made utilized older, more 'dreary' fabrics. Purple is not a dreary color except it looks like one of those light purples might be.

I thought about making a crib quilt using the jumbo granny squares pattern a month or so ago but decided not to. Since purple is a more happy color, I decided to start a crib quilt by piecing 2 blocks.

I haven't decided what colors the other 2 blocks will be. I'll decide that later.

There weren't many squares left after piecing all the RSC projects this month so only six 16 patch blocks were pieced.

Linking to Scrap Happy Saturday.


  1. Jumbo granny squares blocks looks beautiful, Gretchen, and the 16 patch blocks are pretty with all those beautiful shades of purple.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  2. Mabel just looks like she’s waiting to get caught. I love your blocks; i like making the 16 patches. I’ve tried other triangle paper, but I always go back to Thangles because I can prep them and chain piece.

  3. Great variety of fabrics in your 16 patch blocks. Jumbo granny's look lovely in purple.

  4. I like your giant Granny squares; they're beautifully restful in purple. Enjoy finding another colour to partner them in the crib quilt.

  5. I really love your Jumbo Grannies!

  6. I agree with Gayle, I love these Jumbo Grannies... I too am a jumbo granny for that matter!

  7. SEW many fun PURPLE scraps in these RSC blocks, Gretchen!!
