Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Sewing The Stars

It was with much relief that the rows of stars fit the feathered star center! First I attached the rows on the left side.

Then I attached the rows on the top. This is finally coming together, progress at last!

This is a variation of Sue Garman's Ancient Stars pattern. The Ohio stars finish at 4.5".

I made my own pattern to foundation paper piece the blocks. Foundation paper piecing was not included with the pattern.

Theresa asked me to show the pattern on my blog so here it is. I do not have a PDF file to attach, I drew this myself with my ruler and a pen.

Two patterns will fit on 8.5" by 11" paper.

This pattern is exactly 4.5" which is the finished size. When I foundation paper piece, I don't add the seam allowance on the outside of the paper. I've found that when you have the seam allowance on the paper then sew across it, the paper is extremely troublesome to remove from corners. My fabric extends beyond the edge.

After I have each section pieced, I trim the seam line, leaving a 1/4" seam line. This is how I do it, it works for me. I'm not saying it's the only way or the best way. You foundation paper piece whatever way works best for you.


  1. That's a lot of work. You are doing an excellent job. I know you were really relieved to see those blocks perfectly fit around that center star.

    1. I really was very releaved to see these blocks fit the center.

  2. This is going to be beautiful. I'm glad it's all working as planned. I also paper piece without the SA; it is much easier to remove the paper. ~Jeanne

  3. I have never done the star with paper piece but I can see where it would really help turn it out well - my points quite often end up chopped off.

  4. Great, Gretchen!!! And it is beautiful. Looks like mosaic work on tile floors.
    Amazing! Thanks for showing how you make this tiny blocks.

  5. It looks great! Wonderful Star Medallion.

  6. It looks great! Wonderful Star Medallion.

  7. Yay! It's looking great! Still loving that feathered star! (I've gotta do one someday!)

  8. The feathered star is gorgeous, so glad you Ohio blocks are all working out to fit so nicely. And to have the patience to do that many small blocks, fantastic!

  9. I've made Sue Garman's ancient stars - wish I'd done it your way...mine is fine and I love it, but my next lot of Ohio Star's will be done your way I think. Thanks for sharing, enjoy your blog very much. Elaine (England)

  10. That looks like another masterpiece in the making, Gretchen!!

  11. What a wonderful way to frame your feathered star! Simply gorgeous. Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.
