Friday, June 4, 2021

Ancient Stars Variation

The body of my Ancient Stars variation has come together.  This has turned out better than I hoped.

The next item to be added will be another border of the black fabric. I think adding black will help to brighten up the blocks but that's not going to happen right away.

I need to decide what I'm going to do next and the width of the black fabric border depends on that.

Do I piece a different type of star and add a round or two, do I add an applique border with hexie flowers or do I do something completely different? As of now, the center measures 62.5" by 72.5". How big do I want to make this quilt anyway?

This project has waited over a year to have this much progress made. It's ok to put it back into time out, besides, I'm ready to work on something else. This quilt is a variation of Sue Garman's Ancient Stars pattern.

Linking to Put Your Foot DownPeacock Party, Whoop Whoop PartyTGIFF!, Finished Or Not Friday, Off the Wall Friday, Brag About Your Beauties, UFO Busting, Oh Scrap, Favorite Finish


  1. Stunning Gretchen! Looking forward to seeing your next steps on this beauty.

  2. Oh, my!!! So beautiful, Gretchen!!! I'll be interesting in seeing what you do next.

  3. It’s gorgeous, Gretchen! Whatever you decide to do will be perfect!

  4. Lots of stitches in that beauty. And yes, no reason to rush..ponder and consider. It's gorgeous!!

  5. it looks great! I will be watching to see what you decide to do with it and how much it grows

  6. Oh wow!!! that is a beauty!! I hope you don't let it linger too long - I kinda want to see what you will do with it!!! Lovely!!!

  7. already such a beauty - take your time to make sure you get it just the way you want it!

  8. Your stars are stunning, Gretchen! I think you're wise to put it away for awhile. When you bring it out again, you will have the clarity you need about how you want to finish it.

  9. This is an awesome quilt! Love it!
    Thank you for linking up to TGIFF!

  10. Very lovely! I thoroughly believe in time outs.

  11. What a beautiful quilt! I thought it was finished so I'm surprised that you're going to add more borders. I think two-toned hourglass blocks always add so much interest to a quilt -- like a border to highlight each pieced block. Gorgeous quilt!

  12. I love how you surrounded the feathered star with sue garman stars .. happy figuring what this one is destined to be… I love the idea of black and stars too… or put it back and let it stew some more!!! Lol

  13. Wow! That is one gorgeous quilt! I really like the QST blocks used as an alternate block like that. I'll have to remember that!

  14. What a beautiful quilt! The alternate blocks and the Feathered Star really make the block stand out!

  15. Wow. I really like all those stars floating in those two shades of background. Nice job!

    Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  16. Just my two cents, but I'd put a small black inner border and then perhaps a lighter 3 or 4 inch border and call it done. This turned out so nicely. Good job.

  17. Loving the progress on this beauty.
