Friday, February 5, 2021

Sunny Lanes Block

Blogging has been a good journey for me. I love showing you the quilting projects I'm working on and I enjoy seeing what you're working on. I learn from you and get so many ideas from you.

Now there is another scrappy quilt idea to add to the list of patterns I want to make some day. Last week Cathy highlighted an old UFQ that she was finishing called Sunny Lanes. Of course I was intrigued by this design, I had never heard of it! It looked like a good one so I googled the name. Good old Quilter's Cache came up with the Sunny Lanes pattern.

Of course I had to make a block, just to try it and see what I think.

Now this isn't an UFQ, this block is just a prototype to see what I think. I love it, another quilt pattern for the to make list!

Linking to Peacock Party, Put Your Foot  Down, Whoop Whoop PartyTGIFF!, Finished Or Not Friday, Off the Wall Friday, Brag About Your Beauties, UFO Busting


  1. I love this too! It's very similar to the scrappy crossroads block ( I love the yellow!

  2. I really like this block and wonder what 4 or a quilt would look like where those 4 patch blocks meet :). I love your use of the orange for the stripe too!!! Thanks for sharing :). Kathi

  3. I love this block!! It's going to make a great scrappy quilt!

    1. I have a great niece who is having a baby in April. I'm thinking I'll make more blocks for a good sized crib quilt. I checked, I have enough of the yellow/orange fabric.

  4. Sunny Lanes was in one of the very first quilt books I acquired--nearly 30 years ago. I think I've made the block a couple of times but I've never made an entire quilt with it. I wonder what it would look like on-point.....

  5. I, like you, looked it up on quilter's cache and have it downloaded it one I want to do in the future. We'll see if that ever happens. HA

  6. I like this block too! It’s great using the cheddar or yellow....Sunny Lanes indeed!

  7. This looks like the block we made a few years ago for Lori's Humble Quilts fall quiltalong. She called her finished quilt Palmateer Point after a mountain or ridge near her home in Oregon. Ive often thought it would make a great scrappy full size quilt.

  8. Thank you for sharing the link. Your block looks wonderful. It will make a great quilt.

  9. Great block and what a stash buster! Now to decide if I should start a new quilt or not....

  10. You're right, this a great block and a great stash buster! Thanks for sharing!

  11. Love this block, Gretchen. It is a great scrap buster block.

  12. Another great scrappy quilt in the making.

  13. What a great block pattern. It is new to me, too. I'm already envisioning the secondary patterns possible when these blocks are positioned in a quilt.

  14. I like it - and those colors are very pretty!!

  15. Ooh - I'm about to start on a Sunny Lanes quilt. Nice colors!

  16. I'm with you, Gretchen. Such a happy block!

  17. Interesting block that you could have a lot of fun playing with color placement. It kinda reminds me of a quilt pattern I downloaded from the AccuQuilt website. Hurry through that To-Do list, I'm anxious to see what you do that block pattern. Thank you for linking up to Put your foot down.
