Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Peacock Moda Love Star

 I've been working on a quilt for another granddaughter behind the scenes. I started last December and used the Moda Love pattern which was available in 3 sizes. 

I was going to link to the pattern but Moda says it is no longer available which is sad because it was a great pattern. I can't even pull up the Moda Bake Shop! Is that just me or other people having a problem too?

Update - Linda commented she tracked down the pattern. Here is the link. If you want the pattern, I suggest you download it to your computer just in case Moda moves it again.

The pattern for this size uses a layer cake but I used yardage and cut my own squares. This is a two fabric quilt using a fabric that has both purple and turquoise, this granddaughter's favorite colors.

I added a 2" finished background border to float the star then a 3" finished outside border. I would have liked to have made the flimsy a little bigger but I didn't have enough of the peacock fabric. Right now the quilt top measures 82".

I sew a narrower seam when I make the HST's then trim the blocks. This way I'm sure I have the correct size. I don't like Omnigrid rulers but this is one I inherited from my mother and it works. I don't need a 12.5" square ruler very often so I'm ok with it. I added the little sandpaper circles to give the ruler some grip.

I couldn't get the peacock fabric to show it's true colors in the whole quilt photo. This closer up partial star looks slightly better but it's still not true colors.

This was another fast and easy project, sometimes you just need simple!

Linking to To Do Tuesday, Midweek MakersClever Chameleon, Wednesday Wait Loss, Needle & Thread Thursday


  1. The peacock fabric looks gorgeous - how fun! Good job keeping this one a secret :)

  2. What a beautiful pattern! That fabric is so beautiful. Wow it's so big - will you quilt it yourself?
    Moda moved the page for the pattern. I actually found it here after Googling, and I'm saving it before they move it again!

  3. The quilt looks great. Love your tip about sewing a scant seam and then trimming the HST's to size.

  4. This is very pretty - I love your fabric choices. I could not find the pattern on Moda's website either. I did a yahoo search for "Moda love quilt" and found the pattern. I bet your granddaughter will love this. ~Jeanne

  5. Although I’m a big scrappy fan, because I have so many, there is something very special about a 2 color quilt! This one is fantastic,

  6. This is a beautiful rendition of Moda Love. I have made one, and would do another, for sure. I like the border treatment you have added. I will have to quiz you on why you dislike Omnigrid rulers; what do you prefer?

    1. I prefer Creative Grids rulers. I think the Omnigrid rulers are too busy with the yellow, it's harder for me to see the actual lines. Now the Omnigrid rulers are a bright yellow/green which would really confuse my eyes. Happy stitching!

  7. Hi Gretchen! Wow, those blue in your Moda Love piece are just gorgeous. So glad you were able to find the pattern again. I spent a good bit of time looking for it just a week or so ago to fix the broken link on my website. I agree that blues are so difficult to photograph. I had to throw some white into the mix - just a pure white piece of fabric and that allowed the blue to photograph correctly. Thanks so much for linking up today. ~smile~ Roseanne

  8. Gretchen... love that you kept this one behind the scenes! Love those fabrics on the close up esp!!!
    I will have to follow your link and save this one for a two color quilt :). Kathi

  9. That's a very beautiful fabric. She is going to love this!

  10. It is so pretty! Love the colors of a peacock, so thanks for giving us a close up of the peacock fabric. Some fabrics are just hard to photograph!

  11. Such a simple but dramatic quilt! Love it, especially the colors! Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.
