Saturday, January 30, 2021

RSC - The 5th Saturday

Pink 9 patch blocks were made this month for a project that isn't a RSC project. The 9 patch project actually has more than enough blocks but 2/3rds of them are blues. It needs more variety so I made pink 9 patches using 1.5" strips.

Then I pulled all the pink strips left in the 2.5" box and made 16 patch blocks. These were the pink strips left after piecing the pink easy breezy blocks. 

There wasn't a lot of variety in the pink fabrics but they worked. My plan is to have sashing in between the 16 patch blocks.

I'm determined to lower the amount of strips in that box and I am happy to say the box is actually a little diminished! 

Linking to Scrap Happy Saturday.


  1. Chipping away at a box of strips is a good months work. Having great blocks to enjoy at the end is just an added bonus.

  2. your pinks are pretty - great job using the strips

  3. even if we just chip away a little at a box it is getting some used. I don't know why I at times feel guilty for all this fabric sitting here unused - some of it does get used and I don't know how many times I am able to shop from my stash without ordering more

  4. SEW many wonderful PINK scraps in your blocks for the RSC!!

  5. Piles of pink blocks are always so appealing to me! It will be tun to see where you use them.

  6. Nine patches and sixteen patches too, that's a lot of pretty pink sewing.

  7. Great plan for emptying the 2.5 scrap box. I finally, after many years, emptied my 2.5 inch scrap bin last year. Good luck to you on getting yours emptied.

    1. The box will probably never be completely empty. I'll be happy to just get the strips into a more manageable amount and into a smaller box.

  8. Great job on your PINK projects! So many scraps have a happy home now!
