Friday, January 1, 2021

New Year Challenges

 I don't make New Year's resolutions, that seems negative to me somehow. Instead I make challenges to myself, to see if I can do something. That's just how my mind works.

Here are a few of the quilting challenges I've set for 2021.

First challenge is to somehow finish these double wedding ring blocks I embroidered 25 - 30 years ago. I bought all the pre-print blocks in the store at that time but there weren't enough for a full sized quilt. Since then I have found the blocks again but I just don't think it would look right to have a different white with the original blocks.

This partial quilt has been displaying on the door into my sewing room for so many years, I just need to get this done. I have decided I'm going to add pieced blocks but I haven't gotten any farther than that. I am going to remove the sashing I added to many years ago, I don't like it anymore. Time to get this quilt finished, it is my oldest unfinished project.

Second challenge, I have a box that I put blocks left from other projects. It seems I always make more blocks than I need. Sometimes I just make 1 block of a quilt to audition if it is a possibility for a to be made quilt, those go into the box too.

In November I sorted through the box and divided the contents into two piles, cream or white.

My challenge, to make at least one quilt from the box. Even better would be to empty the box but I'm a realist.

Third challenge, I have a box (I have boxes all over the place) with 2" strips and another box with 2.5" strips. Those boxes need to be reduced, they running over! I haven't decided for sure what I'm going to make but at least one quilt needs to happen. Sarah's theme for this year's Hands 2 Help is titled String Therapy. I'm sure she'll have some good ideas I can use.

I think that's enough challenges for this year. Of course these challenge quilts are in addition to all the other quilts I hope to make this year but I'm not going to list those. And then there are those quilts I started last year that need to be finished.

Linking to Peacock Party, Whoop Whoop PartyTGIFF!, Finished Or Not Friday, Off the Wall Friday, Brag About Your Beauties, UFO Busting


  1. Your boxes of strips just about gave me a heart attack. Goodness gracious! I think string quilts are always fun (it's my current leader/ender project)... and yet - would they even make a dent??! ;)

    I can't wait to see what you do with your double wedding ring blocks. They look lovely!

    Happy New Year :)

  2. I think you will have many wonderful hours in your sewing room this year! Happy 2021!

  3. Your Wedding Ring top is pretty! A scalloped border with some embroidery would really make it beautiful! Hugs

  4. good projects for the coming year. My 2 1/2 inch drawers won't close - I will be watching and I'm sure I will be inspired- happy new year

  5. I love to make goals and challenges for the new year for motivation! Good luck with yours!

  6. Good luck with your goals.
    The wedding ring top is so charming.
    And your scrap boxes sure will make you busy this Year.

  7. Love your challenges. Good luck with those. I too am determined to work with what is already in the sewing room like UFOs and older fabric. This is our year. We can do this, Gretchen. Yes, we can! All the best for 2021. ;^)

  8. That made me laugh, having boxes all over the place. Mine seem to be in various bags. It will be interesting to see what you do with your embroidered top. Doesn't seem too old, I have recently finished working on a 20 year old UFO and a much younger one at only 10 years! Working on these older things Keeps life interesting, doesn't it.

  9. Reading your post, I decided to make a list of my UFO's that I want to make progress (of any kind) on this year... I got a list of 10! Of which I only worked on 1 last year! Sorry state is where I live! Oh, my!

  10. I can't WAIT to see what you do with those scrappy challenges, Gretchen!!

  11. Those are some great challenges! Good luck with all of them :)
