Tuesday, December 29, 2020

3030 Quilt, the Last Block

The last block pattern for the 3030 quilt was released last Friday. I made 4 of the blocks. 

Here's a picture of the 55 blocks I've made.

Gay also released the setting design for the quilt which is very pretty. But I'm tired of making these blocks and I don't want to applique the applique blocks so I'm going to use them a different way. For now they are going into time out while I think about how to utilize them. 

I have a different project to start 2021 with.

The 3030 quilt is a BOW from Sentimental Stitches which started last summer.

Linking to To Do Tuesday, Midweek Makers, Clever Chameleon, Wednesday Wait LossNeedle & Thread Thursday


  1. Your 3030 blocks look great! I love the bright colors with the dark background. It looks like you just need one more block to have a good number for a quilt.

  2. Those are pretty with their dark blue backgrounds! I'll enjoy seeing what you decide to do with them, after time-out!

  3. Hi Gretchen! All 55 blocks look wonderful - I just love the dark blue background. Hmm, it will be interesting to see where these end up! Thanks for linking up. ~smile~ Roseanne

  4. That's a lot of work! I can understand the break (took a break from my farmer's wife quilt at about that amount). They look great tho, and I will watch for the finish--whenever you're ready to pick them back up!

  5. I’ll be anxious to see what you decide on your 3030 quilt, it’s going to be wonderful!

  6. Gorgeous blocks! Sometimes we need to take a break from a project, whatever you do with these blocks will be wonderful!

  7. Your blocks are lovely, Gretchen! I look forward to seeing how you decide to use them, once they've marinated in Time Out for a bit.

  8. What a feat! I really like the navy blue background. It makes sense to let your brain think about the blocks before rushing to finish them. I tend to put tops into time out -- it takes less room to store them. Happy New Year.

  9. You completed all the BOM for the quilt. Congratulations. Taking a rest before finishing it your way is very commendable. Some patterns are completed tops exactly as written while others need to be customized to your liking. Applique not your thing, don't do it. Inspiration comes at the most random time.
    Thank you for posting and Happy New Year from another Gretchen who also follows the Clever Chameleon and ironically a goat in Chinese calendar.

  10. Such pretty blocks! If you're not ready to put them together I'd do the same thing you're doing--giving it a time out while I considered options. You'll think of something soon enough and be happier that you finished it your way! Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.
