Friday, January 22, 2021

Blue Puss in the Corner

Over the last several years, I've been making the grandchildren new quilts for their beds. This year the oldest two granddaughters are getting their quilts.

The oldest granddaughter's favorite color is blue, did she inherit that from me? I pulled all the blue 2.5" strips from strip box and started making blue 8" finished puss in the corner blocks. I had enough strips for 38 blocks. I'll sort through the blue box for small cuts of fabrics to make the rest of the blocks.

I've displayed a few of the blocks on the display wall. I'll do a better job of arranging the blocks when I actually sew them  together. There will be dark blue 2" finished sashing in between the blocks with light fabric cornerstones.

The first Amaryllis plant has been blooming for a week with both buds opening at the same time. There are 8 lovely flowers to bring some color into the dreary overcast winter days. 

I took the picture in front of the Infinity wallhanging I made 2 years ago. I smile every time I look at this wall quilt.

Here is a link to Twist and Turn Bargello Quilts where you can find the Infinity pattern.

Linking to Peacock Party, Put Your Foot  Down, Whoop Whoop PartyTGIFF!, Finished Or Not Friday, Off the Wall Friday, Brag About Your BeautiesUFO Busting, Oh Scrap


  1. That amaryllis is perfect with your Infinity quilt! Gorgeous!! And I love the blues in your granddaughter's quilt :)

    Happy Friday, Gretchen!

  2. I love the color of the amaryllis lovely!

  3. Your amaryllis is gorgeous! I did not have one bloom this year! I miss them! Your blue Puss in the Corner is going to be so pretty!

  4. Oh pretty blue blocks!! And what fun - to make the grandkids quilts. they will cherish them!!! I have one my grandma made me and it is one of my favorites!!!

  5. Lucky granddaughters, getting new quilts this year!!

  6. I bet all your family is happy to get gifted a quilt of yours! Infinity is amazing esp that shot of it :) Have a happy Saturday ! Kathi

  7. I can't wait to see it with the sashing. It's awesome without it but I bet that just takes it to another level!

  8. Sew much progress! Beautiful amaryllis too.
