Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Blue Puss in the Corner Finish

 Blue puss in the corner is all pieced and ready for quilting. The blocks are 8" finished. These larger blocks were fun and fast to make, perfect for a utility quilt that will be used a lot. Most of the strips came from the 2.5" strip box. I also cut up some smaller dark blue yardage that needed to move along.

It was breezy out when I took the pictures. I had to keep snapping until I finally got a picture that was straight.

Of course some of my mother's fabrics are in there too. I think she must have had a whole bolt of this silver leaf fabric. 

This flimsy will be longarm quilted. When I look at the top, I immediately envisioned it with Baptist fan quilting so that's what will be used.

The flimsy size is 82" by 92". This granddaughter has a double bed and the mattress is not the newer thicker size. This size will fit her bed perfectly.

Linking to To Do Tuesday, Midweek MakersClever Chameleon, Wednesday Wait Loss, Needle & Thread Thursday


  1. It's gorgeous! Your granddaughter will love it :)

  2. It is lovely Gretchen!
    What a special gift to your granddaughter!

  3. I really like this flimsy... your granddaughter will be thrilled to get it I bet!!! Kathi

  4. I love utility quilts - they usually go quickly and quilt up nicely.

  5. It will look perfect with Baptist Fan quilted on it! Lovely. My grandmother was exceedingly fond of blue, and this looks like a quilt she would have made; probably did, and I just don't recall it!

  6. Very pretty. Puss in the Corner blocks are one of my favorites too. The Baptist fan quilting will be perfect for this quilt.

  7. What a pretty blue quilt! Your granddaughter will love it.

  8. Hi Gretchen! What a beautiful piece and a nice generous size. Your granddaughter will just love it and how wonderful that she will be covered in your love! It's a great use of some of those fabrics that you'd like to move along and now you have room for some new inspiration fabrics. Thanks for linking up today. ~smile~ Roseanne

  9. I’ve never made that block! But you are tempting me! It turned out so well! Looking forward to seeing it quilted with Baptist Fans,

  10. Your granddaughter is going to love this beautiful quilt!!

  11. This quilt is gorgeous, Gretchen and will be loved. What a fun looking quilt to work on . Thank you for sharing.

  12. This is beautiful, Gretchen! I love your mix of blue scraps set off by the dark blue sashing, and how wonderful that you've got some of your mother's fabric in there, too. This will look fantastic with Baptist Fan quilting.

  13. Very pretty. I do love blues. :) I like breezy-day photos. They make the quilt tops look like they're dancing and happy to be alive!

  14. I love the puss in the corner blocks! And blue seems to be a favorite for just about anybody, so I'd say This One is a Winner all around!

  15. Glorious - I love the colours in this and the breezy shots too. I am sure your granddaughter will be thrilled to have this on her bed. THanks for sharing at Clever Chameleon.

  16. Charming little blue quilt! It will look lovely with baptist fan. Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.
