Friday, November 6, 2020

Scrappy Barn Quilt

 The blocks are all pieced and sewn into rows. Now I'm sewing the rows together. I had thought I'd have sewn rows to show you but when they get sewn together incorrectly, they need to come apart again. Jack the ripper and I were busy last evening. Hopefully I'll have a flimsy to show you next week.

I added 10 blocks to the top and bottom of the quilt to make my quilt rectangular. The extra blocks just follow the zigzag design.

Linking to Peacock Party, Put Your Foot  Down, Whoop Whoop Party, TGIFF!, Finished Or Not Friday, Brag About Your Beauties, UFO Busting


  1. Fabulous blocks and layout except for the problem. Sorry Jack had to visit. Look forward to seeing a finished top.

  2. Wow!! This is coming along so wonderfully!!! I love the layout!

  3. Love log cabin blocks, love your layout!

  4. Wonderful quilt! Will love seeing it finished.

  5. Is the upper right corner supposed to be different? Love the layout!

    1. I saw that after I took the picture, the block has been turned the correct direction.

  6. It's going to be gorgeous when it's finished.

  7. Oh, yes, the added blocks sure make a difference. Can't wait to see it finished!

  8. This is an amazing accomplishment - congrats on your perseverance to keep going. I think it's great you added rows to make the quilt rectangular. Thanks for sharing!

  9. I love this quilt layout... I wasn't sure if I would care for a rectangular layout but I LOVE it... glad you have a good intuition on such things! Will this get hand quilted later on or machine quilted or sent out to quilt? Sorry you and Jack had to have a date... going to look at 2 homes today... hoping 1 is worthy of making an offer on :) ... Kathi

  10. I love it! You are doing a god job on it.

  11. Love the way this looks! Great way to make it rectangular! -Marlys

  12. I've always love log cabin quilts and your is gorgeous!

  13. Wonderful scrappy quilt! One of my first quilts was a log cabin.
