Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Scrappy Barn Quilt

More log cabin blocks for scrappy barn quilt have been pieced. The 100 blocks I needed are completed but the problem is, I don't want a square quilt. I need to piece 20 more blocks so my quilt will be rectangular.

The pattern was designed by Edyta Sitar and is from her book Scrappy Fireworks Quilts. In her book she calls her quilt Blue Barn Quilt but I'm calling mine scrappy barn quilt. I can't find a picture of this quilt online so you'll have to wait until my flimsy is pieced to see the finished quilt. Edyta also has an individual pattern called Blue Barn but they're not the same pattern.

I kind of went heavy with pink for this last group of blocks. The next group of blocks will be made utilizing all the strings already cut.

Linking to To Do Tuesday, Midweek MakersClever Chameleon, Wednesday Wait LossNeedle & Thread Thursday


  1. Wow, that's a lot of logs! Your quilt is looking great!
    I have the same problem with another of Edyta's patterns--trying to figure out how to make her square quilt rectangular.

  2. That's a neat design! I like the pinks in it - they really pop!

  3. I agree with everyone else: what an great looking quilt! Th pinks caught my eye— they really do add a pop to it! -Marlys

  4. Looking beautiful! I do like Edyta--I was soooo sad that Missouri Star's Quilt Academy got cancelled this summer. I had tix and she was doing one of the sessions!

  5. Hi Gretchen! Those 100 blocks do not look square to me in the picture, but they sure do look fabulous. You are for sure inspiring me to give log cabin blocks another chance. I've been avoiding them since, oh, 1995 or so. I don't see a heavy hand with pink at all - it's an overall very pleasing scrappy look! Thank you for linking up today. ~smile~ Roseanne

  6. Great looking log cabins! Will you put 10 blocks on the top and 10 blocks on the bottom to make it rectangular? I’m interested to see how that goes!

    1. That's the plan, it will be more of the zigzag design.

  7. That's a lovely top you have coming along there. I'm not a fan of square quilts myself so sometimes I have to do some adjusting to the pattern. I like the pink and blues together here.

  8. What a lovely top you are creating! I like your name for the piece! Have a wonderful day!

  9. Love this layout... will be excited to see the layout in a rectangular configuration too!

  10. I thought I had commented! Such a beauty! You go girl - looking like 2021 I may become a quilter again! Hugs

  11. It will be interesting to see how you'll orient the additional top and bottom rows. The pinks you've used add sparkle.

  12. Lovely layout. I just started cutting strips for a log cabin project of my own!

  13. Love how this is coming along. It's beautiful.

  14. So beautiful! I love log cabin quilts and scrappy quilts so this combines both loves! Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.

  15. Looks lovely! How do you plan to add more blocks for a rectangular quilt without messing up the design?

  16. Log cabins are always so heartwarming, but those pinks add a special sparkle!
