Thursday, November 12, 2020

Puss in the Corner

For my next project, I'm making a Puss in the Corner quilt utilizing blocks left from the Wilfred & Cloves quilt made several years ago. That pattern is from Creating Heirlooms One Stitch at a Time by Carolyn Konig. I made my quilt larger than Carolyn's pattern called for, I wasn't very good at figuring how many blocks I needed so there were leftover blocks.

When my daughter saw the quilt, she thought the blocks would make a pretty quilt by themselves without the center applique, so I put all the fabrics, blocks and partials blocks in a bag for someday. Someday is now here.

The above blocks were left from the original quilt.

I press the pink/brown blocks differently from the aqua-teal/red blocks so they lock together when sewing.

The blocks alternate so you have a 4 patch in the corners of each block.

I need a total of 263 blocks, the teal/red blocks have been pieced and I'm working on the pink/brown blocks.

I'm not planning to add a pieced border to the top and bottom of the quilt like I did for Wilfred & Cloves, I'm also not adding the applique either. 

I love the technique of strip piecing and strip piece all I can. The center strip is cut 4" and the side strips are 1-1/2". 

Half of the strips are cut into 4" widths and the other half are 1-1/2" widths. I have added fabrics to the fabric left from the original quilt. 

I don't have an AccuQuilt cutter, I use the poor man's cutter, a June Tailor Speed Cut mat. 

The pictures aren't placed where I want them but I'm not in the mood to argue with Blogger.

Linking to Peacock Party, Put Your Foot  Down, Whoop Whoop PartyTGIFF!, Finished Or Not Friday, Brag About Your BeautiesUFO Busting


  1. This is going to be a fun quilt. The Wilfred & Cloves quilt is lovely. Leftover blocks from it can't help but be lovely too.

  2. To be honest, your "poor man's cutter" looks pretty nifty. I've got an Accuquilt GO! cutter but I haven't used it for strips. Don't really trust its accuracy, to be honest, because some fabrics stretch more than others as they go through the rollers so the pieces are not always 100% identical as advertised. My favorite use for the GO cutter is circles, clam shells, apple core, things that would be tedious to cut otherwise. Your Someday quilt is looking nice so far and I appreciated your description of how you piece and press to streamline the construction.

  3. Good way to use up those extra blocks.
    I don't even have the poor man's cutter. Poor me!!

  4. This looks like a fun quilt. I have an even poorer one - cut individually! LOL - do have one of the speed cutting mat but I kept screwing up with it.... Another quilt coming down the road for you! Great. Hugs

  5. I have a accuquit but I don't cut strips with it all that much it almost seems faster to do those on the mat with a ruler for some reason.

  6. I’m interested to see this one. I’m not good at using up leftover blocks! Good for you! 😊

  7. I love your blocks for the quilt you are making... and I love that you are pressing them to be ready for them to lock together for perfect 4 patch points :) My bestie has a June Tailor speed cutter like that .. the bigger one like you show. she loves it too... I just cut regularly :)
    Have a wonderful Friday friend.. happy stitching!


  8. Another lovely quilt in the making. It's always good to use up left over blocks that have been packed away for ages and turn them into something beautiful.

  9. Hi Gretchen,
    I love your blocks ... a lot look like french general fabrics ...
    I have a couple of June Taylor rulers ... they make fast work of cutting!
    Happy Quilting! :-)

  10. Love those teal and red blocks. Arguing with blogger - that did bring a smile to my face. I think that is happening to a lot of us since the recent changes.

  11. Oh I like that someday is now here!! this will be beautiful!

  12. Very nice quilt in the works. Thanks for the reminder about the June Taylor Speed cut thing. I haven't thought of using it for the strips after strip piecing. I have a Go Cutter from Accuquilt and frequently pull it out for strips. But I seldom use it for strips that have already been pieced. (Well, never, thinking about it It would only cut 2.5" pieces at the largest based on what I have.)
