Friday, November 20, 2020

Puss in the Corner, Sewing the Rows

I've started sewing the rows together, I always forget how time consuming it can be to sew diagonal rows! Almost half the rows are sewn together. The top left corner is completed with the first 10 diagonal rows.

The blocks on the right are partial rows needing to be sewn.

A full layout with the rest of the blocks. I'll begin sewing more rows starting with the bottom right corner and working toward the center, leaving the 3 center rows for last.

The blocks take up the entire floor, I can't even sit in my chair at the quilt, I'm standing and leaning over the keyboard.

Here's a close up of the 4 patch the blocks make.

Linking to Peacock Party, Put Your Foot  Down, Whoop Whoop PartyTGIFF!, Finished Or Not Friday, Brag About Your Beauties, UFO Busting


  1. Such a fun quilt this will be when you have those diagonals finished and setting triangles all in place on the left side... I just love this one ... did it make a dent in your scraps or did they expand during the making of this sweet quilt top??? Hope you have a wonderful weekend Gretchen!

  2. All of those perfect seams are making me so happy!! And the quilt looks so cool Galway’s sewn together like that!

  3. you sure did use up a lot of scraps in this didn't you! and for such a large quilt once you really get into the layout it was probably nice and easy to piece looks great!

  4. Oh it is looking so great! and you are right - It surprises me that sometimes to rows take as long as the cutting, piecing etc!

  5. Very nice! It's going to be a beautiful quilt.

  6. Yes, diagonal rows for an on-point quilt do take longer! But it's worth it!
    Look at your quilt! Simply beautiful!!
    Happy Quilting! :-)

  7. Another beautiful quilt top emerging from your clever hands!

  8. Wow, what a lot of stitching/work Gretchen. I recognise some of those fabrics. :) It will be a lovely quilt when finished.

  9. I'm always amazed at how beautiful scrap quilts can be. I like the dark setting triangles, they really frame the quilt. The four patches are a sweet surprise. Sewing all of the diagonal rows is hard work, but with a quilt this beautiful, it will be worth it.

  10. This gorgeous quilt top reinforces my belief that the most beautiful quilts come from the basic, tried & true block patterns. Your colors and fabric selection once again have created a masterpiece. Thank you for sharing your lovely work.

  11. Wow, that is a beauty, and larger than I thought it would be! Happy sewing, you are nearly there!

  12. Oh darn I wish I had started with last weeks linky party first. It still a lovely quilt, thank you for linking up to Put your foot down last week as well.
