Sunday, October 11, 2020

Finished Hand Quilting Vintage Bostons Commons

 I finished hand quilting the vintage Boston Commons quilt this week and I am very, very happy with how she looks!

She hasn't been trimmed but I wanted to see how she looked hanging from the porch. The original puckers quilted out.

And a close up of the center section.

Did you see the little bandaid on the quilt? I had a whoops one evening. I went to clip my thread after I had knotted off and slipped it in between the layers of the quilt. I accidentally snipped a little V in the fabric! I can't believe I did this, after all these years of hand quilting, this is the first time this has happened!

As I was quilting I kept thinking about how I was going to fix it. I certainly wasn't going to just whip stitch it in place and add a smidge of fray check. I decided I would make a small hexie flower using 1/2" hexies but the quilt said no way, just one little hexie. So that's what I did, just one little hexie. 

Some of those red blocks did bleed through to the backing. I'm hoping the red washes out.

I hadn't been out on the porch long at all when this stink bug had to get into the picture. I see other quilters displaying quilts with their cats or dogs, I get stink bugs!

A picture of the back of the quilt.

Once the binding is finished, into the washer she'll go. I'll show you next Sunday the results.

This Hand Quilt Along is an opportunity for hand quilters and piecers to share and motivate one another. We post every three weeks, to show our progress and encourage one another.  If you have a hand quilting project and would like to join our group contact Kathy at the link below.


and Sherrie

Linking to Patchwork & QuiltsKathy's Slow Sunday Stitching,  Oh Scrap, Show & Tell Monday, Monday Making, Design Wall MondayBOM's Away


  1. I love this finish from hand quilting and hope you enjoy putting on the binding this week :) I loved the bandaide and the stink bug... we have them in hordes too atm! lol Awesome job on the quilting though really :D Kathi

  2. Gretchen, this turned out beautifully. I'm so amazed -- you've turned this orphan quilt top into such a beauty. And I LOVE your solo hexie.

    thank you for all of the inspiration! (we are crawling with stink bugs right now. Yuck!)

  3. Beautiful. Congratulations on the finish. I sure hope you are keeping these handquilted ones for yourself!

    1. I'm keeping this quilt for now and it will be used once I'm over the thrill of the finish. Someday the right person will show up and I'll gift it to them.

  4. I love how you saved this puckered quilt. I am sure the maker never realized that quilting could help it. It is so pretty.

  5. Gorgeous! You managed to get all of those puckers quilted out and found a creative way to fix your small oops. This is a beautiful quilt.

  6. What a cute way to fix it! Looks great Gretchen. Beautiful hand work and you did this in a short amount of time - at least it seems that way to me. Hugs

  7. I thought you would be able to quilt all the ruffles that were in this quilt - it looks great. I understand about the little nip in the fabric I have done that at least once that I remember annoying when it happens but you took care of it really well

  8. Hurray! Congratulations! The quilting is absolutely WONDERFUL! And I love the little hexie to fix your oops. It gives the quilt sort of a hidden story. Great job saving and beautifying a vintage UFO.

  9. Isn't that beautiful?! I'm amazed, but so glad, that all the ripples quilted out!

  10. What a gorgeous quilt finish! Love the solution with the hexie. Perfect.

  11. I can't believe what you did with this quilt!!! When I saw those puckers, I knew some would quilt out but not all of them. You did it! Bravo to you.

  12. I'm so impressed with how you quilted down those massive puckers! Not a sign of them left!
    Love that hexie bandaid!

  13. Spectacular, Gretchen! SEW sorry about the need for the 'band-aid'.

  14. Lovely quilting. May I suggest a color catcher or two in the wash, in case the fabric bleeds?

  15. What a great finish! She must be so happy that someone finally quilted her into a beautiful quilt!

  16. What a great save on this quilt! You are amazing, Gretchen....I think the stink bug was letting you know that that little hexie is him in quilt language!

  17. Congratulations! What a fabulous finish. Such a pity that you snipped the top, but your little hexie Band-Aid is so adorable.

  18. It is absolutely gorgeous!! You quilting is beautiful. Congratulations. Hugs,

  19. Just gorgeous Gretchen. You did a beautiful job on this!!!! Congrats on this finish. You had mead laughing with the stink bug comment. I was looking at the picture trying to figure out what the heck was I looking at :) Perfect fix on the boo boo too :)

  20. Gorgeous quilt and quilting Gretchen, and congratulations on getting those puckers out! I have done the same thing before and usually cover it with a bit of applique too!

  21. Your quilt is lovely . I like your little fix! Hurray on a finish👏👏

  22. What a wonderful job you did on the quilt. It's gorgeous.

  23. It's gorgeous! Such a great job on picking the quilting designs and creating such a great texture with the stitching!

  24. Gorgeous! Hope that red points are whashed away. Did you cry when you accidentaly snipped the white fabric?
    Congratulation you did a wonderful hand quilting. Enjoy your Sunday and Happy Slow Stitching.

  25. Oh, what a beautiful finish your vintage Boston Commons is, Gretchen. She truly is stunning with all your lovely quilting. I must say the lone little hexie made me smile. It has a quirky tale to tell.

  26. Love your little hexi ... a perfect fix!
    If the red bled out ... put a small amount of blue dawn in the wash (provided you have a top loader) and it should take it out ...
    Beautiful quilt! Love the scrappiness. I'm in awe at your hand quilting! :-)

  27. You've done a wonderful job on this quilt top, turning it into something really special!

  28. I can't even believe how well those puckers quilted out!!! Gorgeous!

  29. this is amazing!! that quilting just makes this whole quilt shine!! and stupid bug... he is not wanted

  30. Hi,
    Awesome quilt! Have a great day!

  31. Hi Gretchen!! I stopped by because you left a wonderful note on my blog about sashing width and I wanted to see what you are up to!! First, thank you for the suggestion!! I am going to take your advise!! Your quilt is gorgeous!! "And [you] get stink bugs"!! That is so funny!! Hand quilting is one thing I have just never attempted!! Well, I shouldn't really say that - I did try one time but got about 4 inches done before I finished that session with my friend and never went back to it!! I do admire it though!! I love your boo-boo fix!!

  32. Your quilt turned out beautifully. I have no problem with stink bugs visiting outside. I do NOT like them indoors and have a story I will save you from sharing about them! Throw color catchers in the wash to hopefully grab any more colors that might bleed.

  33. Oh, Gretchen -- it's GORGEOUS!! Too funny about your photo bombing stink bug. And that little hexagon patch is such an interesting, unexpected way to fix your boo boo. Love it! Congratulations on a beautiful finish!

  34. This was incredibly beautiful. Beautiful hand quilting!
    I realy hope you get rid of the red color that has discolored on the back.
    Happy quilting!

  35. This one is so pretty - I really love the turquoise bands in it. Super cute fix for the snip, too!

  36. Great glad you posted so we could all see the finished quilting. So glad those puckers quilted out. Beautiful scrappy quilt.

  37. The quilting is so pretty. Did you count the number of squares of fabric used in the quilt?

    1. No I didn't count the squares, I didn't even think to do that.

  38. Fabulously spectacular! Good work on the “fix”!
