Friday, July 31, 2020


I've taken a slight pause in my machine quilting marathon to make more masks.

Schools will be starting soon and our school district is requiring masks to be worn on the buses and in school. I made masks for our local school age grandson so he will have plenty and one for his little brother too. He selected the fabrics for his masks.

The superintendent of our school system has worked with the local health department and received approval for the plans.

I had made several masks for family back in March. This time around I used a different pattern than from before. 

I got the information from Karen's blog which had a link to Craft Passion. This pattern is in 4 sizes which was handy. I didn't add the nose wire. I also used good quality elastic which should last a long time and hold up to washing.


  1. I love those sweet little masks you made your grandsons... I hope going back to school works for y'all! :) Kathi

    1. There is no correct decision about going back to school. Parents have jobs and need to be able to pay the mortgage and bills. Our DIL is going to drop him off at school in the morning and the schools are going to access the children before entering the school building, sending home any children with fever, coughs or anything else.

  2. I just commented on Alycia's blog that I'm glad I'm not going back to school. I'd be looking at all the neat mask fabrics instead of listening to teacher.

  3. Looks like your elastic will hold up well! Did you run it through the casing or attach it at the corners? I’ve done both and can’t decide which is preferable!

    1. I sewed the in but I think the next (!) time I'll just give our DIL the elastic and let her decide how long to make it. She can just make a knot like the directions said, it will be covered by the mask. The round elastic is hard to sew, I've already broken a needle on the stuff.

  4. I left off those nose pieces too - I wish they weren't making kids go back to school - I'm afraid there are going to be a lot get sick.

  5. I think these masks are awesome! It's important to have extras so they can be washed often. I don't know how I'd react if my children where heading off to school right now...the unknown is very scary!

  6. These are wonderful - so nice that he chose his own fabrics.

  7. Thank you for your kind words on my blog post. Blogger is not directing comments to my email ARRRGGHH!
    Scary prospect sending kids back to school-trying to decide what is the right thing to do. Nice looking masks and cute kids.

    1. Our DIL has agonized about this decision. She would love to be able to stay home and home school him but they also need to pay bills and the mortgage! There is really no correct decision about attending this year. She has decided she is going to drop him off at school so he won't be having the hour bus ride.

      The schools are going to access all the children in the morning when they come to school and send the sick ones home. I can only hope this will be a healthier school year if they're able to send the children home with coughs and colds or fevers.

  8. They look great!! isn't it funny how we all have to prep differently for school this year??

  9. Those are the cutest little bandits I’ve ever seen! Involving the boys in selecting their mask fabrics was thoughtful of you.

  10. Those boys are really growing like weeds! Hard to believe that it was just yesterday that Andrew was a baby! I feel old! LOL. the masks are pretty
