Sunday, May 17, 2020

Row 1 Quilted

Row 1 of Grandma's Embroidered blocks is quilted. 

Picture of the whole row.

Pictures of the individual blocks.

I was asked last week about whether I quilt over the embroidery. No, I don't at least I try  not to. I took pictures and will try to explain how I stitch.

I quilted up to the edge of the embroidery. Stick down with the needle just to the side of where the needle came  up and stick under the embroidery. Just take 1 stitch and pull the thread through.

Stitch down and up, just make 1 stitch.

Stitch down slightly off of where you had stitched up.

Turn your wrist to stitch up and push the needle through making sure you come up along the edge of the embroidery.

Here I've stitched across the embroidery to show you what it looks like.

You need to remember this photo is enlarged and the stitch isn't as big as it shows.

 Probably no one would ever notice this stitch if you left it in the quilt. 

I've removed the stitch on top of the embroidery and did the stick down then up under the embroidery.

Hope this answers your questions.

Hand Quilt Along is an opportunity for hand quilters and piecers to share and motivate one another. We post every three weeks, to show our progress and encourage one another.  If you have a hand quilting project and would like to join our group contact Kathy at the link below.

KathyMargaret, TracyDebSusan,  Nanette,  EdithSharonKarrinGretchenKathiBellaDaisyConnieMonica and 

Linking to Kathy's Slow Sunday Stitching,  Oh Scrap, Bambi's Show & Tell MondayMonday MakingDesign Wall MondayBOM's Away


  1. the quilting is a beautiful addition to that quilt - lovely

  2. It is always a pleasure to see more of your hand quilting, Gretchen. The quilting stitch running under the embroideries looks looks lovely, doesn't it. It makes each embroidered flower pop and gives lovely dimension.

  3. I would do as you are doing and go under the embroider too - it just looks better - it would be impossible to do that by machine wouldn't it! love how it is turning out

  4. Your quilt is beautiful and I love how you are quilting it. Thanks for the tutorial on how you quilted this under the embroidery. Love how people always share tip and tricks.

  5. This is beautiful. Thank you for the instructions on how to quilt with embroidered blocks. It is giving me some great ideas

  6. I never get tired of seeing your beautiful quilting! Great work!

  7. I love how you are quilting around the embroidery. Thank you so much for your little tutorial.

  8. Hi,
    Beautiful quilt...thanks for the info on
    quilting around embroidery. Have a great day!

  9. I love how you shared how it looks to stitch over or take the time to stitch under and around your embroidery stitches... I am planning to hand quilt my redwork when it is done... I will recall your wisdom in this post I hope!
    Your quilting and photography of your quilting is spectacular as always .. thanks for keeping me inspired each week with your hand quilting prowess :) Kathi

  10. Lovely quilting, I like the way you quilt under your embroidery.

  11. Love how you did the circle design!

  12. Very pretty blocks! That is a lot of quilting time represented :)

  13. I like the way you quilt the embroideries! It is became so beautiful! :-)
